Category: Programs

The 75 Best Virtual Museum Tours Around the World [Art, History, Science, and Technology]

The spread of COVID-19 has placed a halt on so many things in our lives,
especially our ability to travel, causing many to cancel the vacations they had
planned. But while we may be stuck inside, that doesn’t mean we can’t have
some new experiences in the meantime. So we’ve put together an ultimate list
of 75 world-class museums that offer virtual tours that you can visit from the
comfort of your couch!

Many of the virtual tours include exhibit walk-throughs and the ability to examine some of the world’s best paintings, sculptures, and other pieces up close and personal. These virtual tours are jam-packed with enough details to make you feel like you’re really visiting the museum. The experiences are sure to entertain the whole family, an art or history buff, or even those of us who want to imagine the joys of travel again!

We’ve broken our list down into 4 easy to review sections, including art, natural
history, science and technology, and history museums. So whether you prefer to
take in a painting at the Van Gogh museum, check out an SR-71 Blackbird at the
Museum of Flight, or gaze upon the Rosetta Stone, this list has it all!


The 75 Best Virtual Museum Tours Around the World [Art, History, Science, and Technology]

The spread of COVID-19 has placed a halt on so many things in our lives, especially our ability to travel, causing many to cancel the vacations they had planned. But while we may be stuck inside, that doesn’t mean we can’t have some new experiences in the meantime. So we’ve put together an ultimate list of 75 world-class museums that offer virtual tours that you can visit from the comfort of your couch! Many of the virtual tours include exhibit walk-throughs and the ability to examine
some of the world’s best paintings, sculptures, and other pieces up close and personal. These virtual tours are jam-packed with enough details to make you feel like you’re really visiting the museum. The experiences are sure to entertain the whole family, an art or history buff, or even those of us who want to imagine the joys of travel again! We’ve broken our list down into 4 easy to review sections, including art, natural history, science and technology, and history museums. So whether you prefer to take in a painting at the Van Gogh museum, check out an SR-71 Blackbird at the Museum of Flight, or gaze upon the Rosetta Stone, this list has it all!

NASA Is Offering Free Virtual Tours of Space

At some point or another you’ll find yourself desperate to escape the confines of your quarantine lifestyle. The good news? You can do so without risking your health or that of others. Virtually tour the world’s most iconic museums, historic landmarks, or somewhere that was off-limits before the
stay-at-home orders were even instituted: outer space.

Fun (and Free!) Senior Online Games

The Internet is an entertaining place. Aside from communicating with friends and family as well as acting as one giant encyclopedia, the Internet also provides a plethora of fun, in particular, senior online games. There are tons of these games for seniors available, ranging from those that sharpen your cognitive skills to those that are simply an easy and enjoyable way to pass the time. But with hundreds and thousands of senior online games available right at your fingertips, sometimes it can be a little overwhelming to
find the best ones. So, we’ve checked out a few sites in order to
compile a list of the best (and free!) senior online games.

Fun (and Free!) Senior Online Games

Groton Senior Center COVID-19 Reopening

Groton Senior Center COVID-19 Reopening

As we are under directives of the State of CT and Ledge Light Health District, we appreciate your patience while we work through the phases to reopen our center for all of you. At the time of this printing, the State of Connecticut is developing guidelines for the reopening of CT Senior Centers. This newsletter is coming out in Phase 2 of the reopening plan where persons 65 years and older and those with compromised immune systems are still under the STAY HOME – STAY SAFE order. CT Senior Centers will be one of the last areas to open because of the population we serve and because there currently is no treatment or vaccine for the Corona Virus. Currently, it looks like the state will not recommend senior centers open until after September 1.

Social isolation has a purpose though we know it is hard for you. Please contact the senior center staff so we can help you with ways to socialize online using computers, tablets or your smart phone and to stay busy.


VIRTUAL July Fourth Group

Happy Fourth of July! 

Due to COVID19, Groton Fourth of July parade is virtual this year! That’s a first!

Groton’s primary goal is to ensure the health and well-being of all parade participants and spectators, while still providing an opportunity for our community to celebrate our greatest national holiday. This year, groups submitted short video clips to be united into the virtual parade that will premier on Groton Municipal Television (GMTV) on Saturday, July 4th at 10 am.

GMTV can be viewed on Comcast XFINITY Channel 2, Thames Valley Channel 2, and Frontier Vantage TV Channel 6110. Also, GMTV “Live” (at no cost) on the GMTV YouTube channel online.

The Parade will appear on the Town’s social media accounts, GMTV YouTube (, and on cable-access channel 2 on Saturday, July 4th at 10 am.


Lamont Hill, our Coastal Café Chef, has worked here at Groton Senior Center since 1996. In 2013 he became our Food Service Supervisor. To say he misses the daily interactions with our patrons during COVID19 is an understatement. He especially appreciates and misses the “straight forwardness of our seniors”. We sat with Lamont between all his meal prepping, cooking and planning to hear more.
Planning meal options for a household is a task many of us know is difficult. So take a moment to think about planning weeks ahead. It is quite a feat! Now add in a 2020 national pandemic in which ordering food supplies becomes extremely tricky. As Lamont told us, “either the companies were out of stock or utilizing different brands of product we were used to” so it became an even bigger challenge for Lamont, Lynnsie and Steve to make all those delicious meals we are now enjoying as Take Out Meals.

Since March 17th our Coastal Café staff has been busy “making inexpensive nutritional meals and then adding desserts or breads where we can”. Let’s talk numbers for a minute. In all of 2019, the kitchen did a total of 3,019 takeout meals. Since COVID19, he and his crew have made 3,581 take out meals! This surpasses their total Take Out numbers for 2019 big time!

Take Out Meals have been greatly received during the “lockdown” of the center during COVID19. Orders are taken 9:00 to 10:30 am (see page 3). Our phones are a ringing like crazy at the front desk and the numbers show it- most days selling out before 10 am. Then the front desk ladies report to the kitchen how many meals are needed for pick up and delivery (within Groton). That leaves the amazing kitchen staff a small window to get an average of 60 meals ready for pick up to begin at 11:30 am. PHEW!

Lamont told us “a large perk of this has been the growth of the our customer base”. We have had many new faces participate in the Take Out Meals. Groton Senior Center plans to continue the Take Out Meals until further notice. Which means until our beloved patrons are allowed to dine in house again.
Well Done Lamont, Lynnsie and Steve! And THANK YOU!!


Enough of all the virtual programs!? We are going “old school” this summer for our partnership with the Groton Public Library Teen Scape Program and running a PEN PAL Program. Teens and Seniors (55 plus) will apply to be part of the program. All letters will be vetted through GLP and GSC so no addresses are shared.

Safely socializing through the form of letters, we are aiming at 20 participants- 10 pairings. This will be a 7 week program with a minimum commitment of one letter a week to participate. To be considered to be part of the Summer 2020 Pen Pal Program, anyone 55 plus may call Cindy at 860-441-6623 or email


As we are under directives of the State of CT and Ledge Light Health District, we appreciate your patience while we work through the phases to reopen our center for all of you. At the time of this printing, the State of Connecticut is developing guidelines for the reopening of CT Senior Centers. This newsletter is coming out in Phase 2 of the reopening plan where persons 65 years and older and those with compromised immune systems are still under the STAY HOME – STAY SAFE order. CT Senior Centers will be one of the last areas to open because of the population we serve and because there currently is no treatment or vaccine for the Corona Virus. Currently, it looks like the state will not recommend senior centers open until after September 1.
Social isolation has a purpose though we know it is hard for you. Please contact the senior center staff so we can help you with ways to socialize online using computers, tablets or your smart phone and to stay busy.


Due to COVID19, Groton Fourth of July parade is virtual this year! That’s a first!
Groton’s primary goal is to ensure the health and well-being of all parade participants and spectators, while still providing an opportunity for our community to celebrate our greatest national holiday. This year, groups submitted short video clips to be united into the virtual parade that will premier on Groton Municipal Television (GMTV) on Saturday, July 4th at 10 am.
GMTV can be viewed on Comcast XFINITY Channel 2, Thames Valley Channel 2, and Frontier Vantage TV Channel 6110. Also, GMTV “Live” (at no cost) on the GMTV YouTube channel online.