Category: Programs


As we are in Phase 2 and older adults are still being asked to stay safe and stay home, we know folks are in need of some human contact. We have East Lyme High School students who  want to reach out to you and chat. Nothing heavy, just a “Hey how are you?” “Can we do anything for you?” check in phone call. Who’s interested?? Call the Senior Center office and let us know.

Renter’s Rebate Program

Older adults and disabled adults in East Lyme who are interested in the Renter Rebate program will be seen by the East Lyme Senior Center. However, at this point, it will not be during the month of April. Please remember, the application period for this benefit runs until October 1st. There will be plenty of time to apply.


If you are interested in donating and/or receiving jigsaw puzzles, let the Senior Center know. We can set up an exchange so folks have different puzzles to work on without having to spend any money!

Call us at 860-739-5859 with your donation and/or you request for a puzzle.


Hello friends. The staff of the Senior Center are still out delivering MOWs. We are also processing Rent Rebate  applications as well as assisting residents with Medicare issues. This is all being done via drop off boxes and phone calls. If you need help with these matters or any other issues, we can be reached at the office (860-739-5859).

The State of Connecticut is now in Phase 2 of re-opening. Each phase lasts at least 4 weeks. In Phase 2, people who are 65+ and/or who are high risk (comorbidities) should continue to stay safe and stay home. All people should be wearing a mask or face covering if they are in public and cannot maintain a 6 foot minimum from other people.
Running programs at the Senior Center does not appear likely until, at the earliest, August. The Center will also have to enforce the face mask/covering recommendation as well as the social distance requirement. As always, washing your hands and keeping them away from your face is still a very good defense against COVID-19. In July, we will resume a very limited transportation service. Call the Senior Center office with any questions.


The East Lyme Public Library is tentatively scheduled to reopen on Monday, July 6 at 10am to the public. The hours will be 10am-4pm Monday through Friday, and 10am-2pm on Saturday. People will need to call and make an appointment for computer use. Socially distancing will be practiced and there will be a reduced capacity allowed into the building. The Library will continue to provide curbside pickup and if anyone is interested in books being delivered to their home, they have a homebound delivery program.

For more details, call the Library at 860-739-6926.


With the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, many Americans are feeling vulnerable -making them prime targets for scammers. There has been an increase in coronavirus-related scams, with fraudsters selling fake “cures” for the virus and impersonating doctors and telling victims that they need to make payments to cover the cost of a loved one’s treatment.
There has also been an increase in Social Security fraud, with scammers calling, emailing, or sending letters to beneficiaries to tell them their monthly checks have been suspended because of COVID-19. Scammers then tell you that you need to provide your personal information or make a payment to get your benefits reinstated. If you get a call, email, or letter from someone saying you need to provide your Social Security number or bank account information or make a payment in order to receive your stimulus check, do not respond.
This information was obtained from The Motley Fool.

Professional Nutrition Counseling- Thursdays

Nutrition for Health and Weight Loss


Deborah Downes, Registered Dietitian
Thursdays   9:30am to 1:30pm
Knowledgeable, friendly, convenient and affordable to help you
• reach weight loss goals.
• learn to eat and cook for better health.
• meet your blood sugar goals.
• follow a more heart healthy lifestyle.
• improve intestinal issues(irritable bowel, crohn’s, constipation…
• learn how to manage nutrition changes due to illness and/or recovery.

Cost: $20 per hour (by the way, this is a huge bargain!)

First visit/Initial Assessment (required): $20 for one hour

Subsequent visits: $10/half hour

Deadline for GSC Annual Senior Art Show is June 26th 

GSC Annual Senior Art Show will take place July 1 – 31, 2020

Artwork must be in by Friday, June 26th.

This art show is for those 55 and older.  Judging will be Tuesday, July 16.

Inquiries?  Please call Tomi at 860-441-6782