A Free Zoom Poetry Class will run for June 9th – July 7th on Tuesdays at 10am. Those interested are asked to commit to all 5 weeks, if possible, as it will not be a drop in class. Instructor, Dr. Roger Singer, presently Old Lyme’s Poet Laureate and the president of the Shoreline Poetry Chapter, in association with the Connecticut Poetry Society has been published in numerous magazines, books and on the internet, and was a Pushcart Prize nominee in 2017. Singer says “I believe everyone has a message within, filled with numerous threads of material from their past, shaping who they are in the present.”
” In describing the class he says “I have compiled various instructional methods to guide students onto a path to express themselves. To register and get the Zoom code for this class please contact the Lymes’ Senior Center at seniorcenter@oldlyme-ct.gov
Category: Programs
If you want to practice your Zoom skills without the pressure of a “class”, the Senior Center staff will be hosting a Talk to Us Tuesday starting on June 16th at 2pm. If you are interested in joining this coffee clutch, contact the office. We will be able to provide you with some instructions and then send you an invite.
A Shred Day for June is currently being arranged. It will be held after the middle of the month. Please contact the Senior Center for more details.
There will be 2 more community pickup meals at St. Agnes Church in June. They will be held on Thursday, June 11th and June 25th starting at 3:30pm. No need to get out of the car. No need to make a reservation. First come – first served.
THINGS TO DO AT HOME- Maybe it’s time to visit that Museum that has been on your bucket list…here’s how you can do it without leaving the comfort of your home
Tours Virtual
National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC www.nga.gov
Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City www.metmuseum.org
The Guggenheim in New York City www.guggenheim.org
The Musee d’Orsay in Paris, France m.musee-orsay.fr click on English
The Uffizi in Florence, Italy www.uffizi.it click on English
Maybe Art is not your thing. How about:
American Museum of Natural History in New York City www.amnh.org
Museum of Science in Boston www.mos.org
The British Museum in London, England www.britishmuseum.org
Maybe something ocean related:
New England Aquarium in Boston www.neaq.org
Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey www.montereybayaquarium.org
Maybe something animal related:
The Bronx Zoo in New York City www.bronxzoo.com
The San Diego Zoo in San Diego zoo.sandiegozoo.org
Maybe something star related:
National Aeronautics & Space Administration www.nasa.gov
European Southern Observatory www.eso.org
Or check out what’s available here in CT so you have an itinerary when we can travel:
Connecticut Office of Tourism www.ctvisit.com
Or check out our National Parks:
United States National Parks www.nps.gov click on find your virtual tour
Or pick up a new hobby:
Interested in birding? www.ebird.org
Learning about the stars? www.skyandtelescope.org
What about baking? www.kingarthurflour.com
Don’t limit yourself. Many places and organizations are offering virtual tours and lessons.
Check them out. Keep you imagination and brain engaged.
You are not alone. When we lose one sense, another takes over. As you lose your hearing, your eyes help you fill in the blanks. For example, “feet” and “seat” sound the same but look very different on your mouth. Masks cover these visual clues making it frustrating and confusing. Add in 6-foot social distancing and hearing becomes even more challenging. For some individuals, over the ear hearing aides are becoming painful when wearing a face mask. The elastic bands used to secure the mask around the ears often get in the way of the tubes that connect the hearing aids to the speakers that sit in your ear. In addition to the discomfort, some individuals are also at risk to lose a hearing aid when removing the mask, especially if frequently putting in on and off.
To resolve these common problems:
Wear a mask with soft fabric ties to relive the pressure on the ears, instead of elastic, or
Use a special mask extender with buttons or other holders to attach the mask loops onto, on the back of the head, instead of the ears, or
Use simple tools like a plastic s-hooks to loop the mask onto, instead of your ears, or
Use an eyeglass lanyard to attach your hearing aides to , that way if they accidentally fall out, they are nearby and easy to find, or lastly
Seek a clear mask solution to assist you with lip reading.
These hearing tips are offered by Nancy Jablonski from Audiology Concierge.
Groton Senior Center will NOT be opening at this time
Groton Senior Center will NOT be opening at this time. Due to the concern for our patrons, the center will continue providing Grab and Go hot meals, Medical and Shopping transportation. CT is working on a gradual reopening of Senior Centers and as soon as we at GSC have more information on those plans, we will be letting everyone know. Stay safe, stay healthy and we miss you all.
The Library is now accepting requests for curbside pickup. You call the Library at 860-739-6926 during its business hours which are:
Monday – Thursday 10am to 7pm
Friday & Saturday 10am to 5pm
You may request materials owned by the East Lyme Library. At this time, items from other libraries are not available. You may request up to 5 items a day including: books; audiobooks; DVDs’; magazines; and CDs. The staff will call you to arrange a pickup date.
Once you are in the Community Center parking lot, call the Library to let them know you are there and they will bring your items out in a brown, paper bag. It will be set on the benches by the Main Entrance with your name on the bag.
To drop off items, you must use the Book Drop. The Library remains closed to the Public at this time.
This is a very easy process. One way the East Lyme Parks & Recreation Department is selling beach passes is by providing drive-up service in the E.L. Community Center parking lot, Monday through Friday between the hours of 9am to 3pm. No need to get out of the car; no need for an appointment; BUT you must pro-vide a
vehicle registration and proof of residency/taxpayer status.
Another simple way to get your beach pass is to use the mail service. You would mail a copy of your vehicle registration, current phone number, a copy of your
latest tax bill (if you do not have a car registered to an East Lyme residence, the fee (checks payable to the Town of East Lyme) and lastly, a self addressed stamped envelope.
The Fees for the 2020 season are:
Resident Season $40.00
Resident Season (additional car) $30.00
Resident Senior (62 & over) $20.00
Active Military Resident Season Pass Free
Currently, the Department is not selling non-resident passes or day passes of any kind,
Please note that beach and parking capacity can change as the staff observes how social distancing is taking place on the beaches and in the park.
- WORD GAMES—Crossword Puzzles, Word Searches, Brain Teasers and Sudoku are simple ways to improve memory.
- MUSIC—Have you tried to play an instrument? Learn the harmonica, Bongos or Spoons. Maybe learn to Yodel!
- GARDENING—Plant flowers or a few vegetables in containers. It’s relaxing and gets you out in the sunshine.
- COOKING/BAKING—Go through your cook book or make a family recipe. Now is the time to create your own dish or try a new recipe.
- EXERCISES/STRETCHING—Have you tried Chair Exercising? Sit in a chair and lift your right foot off the floor. Do alternate legs. Do arm curls, roll your shoulders and back twists. Toe tapping like the football players while sitting is a great exercise for leg strengthening.
- CARD GAMES—Learn how to play Solitaire with a deck of cards. There are many varieties that you can play.