Category: Programs

Where to hike in Groton?

Days are getting warmer and that means time to hike! Did you know Town of Groton has its own television studio… a GMTV ‘YouTube’ channel… and on occasion a show focusing on our hikes? GMTV stands for Groton Municipal Television.  Need a place to hike? Please check out any of these videos – you might even see yourself if you have hiked with us in recent years

Groton Thrive 55+ O.A.T.S. Hike Sheep Farm (

Groton Thrive 55+ O.A.T.S. Hike Merritt Family Forest (

Groton Senior Center O.A.T.S. Hike from Coogan Farm Nature & Heritage Center to Denison Pequotsepos (

Groton Senior Center O.A.T.S. Hike Beebe Pond Park Trail (

Groton Senior Center O.A.T.S. Hike Copp Family Park (

Groton Senior Center O.A.T.S. King Property Trail – YouTube   now known as SASSACUS PRESERVE

Groton Thrive 55+ O.A.T.S. Hike Candlewood Ridge (

Groton Thrive 55+ O.A.T.S. Hike Sheep Farm (

Sign up now for our May/June for Zumba

Sign up now for our May/June for Zumba:
-Monday: 10:15 a.m, Seated and 5:15 p.m. Gold Toning
-Tuesday: 5 p.m. Zumba Gold
-Friday 11:45 a.m Zumba Gold
-Saturday 10 a.m. Zumba Gold

Groton’s Thrive 55+ DAY TRIPS this Spring

WEDNESDAY, MAY 8 – NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDENS  We have been overdue a visit to the gorgeous NY BOTANICAL GARDENS so off we go! Founded in 1891, the NYBG is a 250-acre green oasis amid the dense concrete of New York City. As well as a rose garden with more than 650 varieties and a 50-acre forest, the garden also has an impressive Victorian-era glasshouse and a Home Gardening Center for amateur enthusiasts. We travel via deluxe coach bus and arrive as they open for the day. There is so much to take in. Do as you please while there and enjoy lunch on your own. We depart NYBG at 3:30 pm to be home about 6 pm. There will be rest stops on the way to and from. We depart Thrive 55+ at 7am. Cost is $102 resident/ $112 non resident.

SATURDAY, JUNE 22 – HISTORICAL HARLEM This popular daytrip is back! With our own deluxe coach bus and tour director on this trip, we pack in a special tour of the famous APOLLO THEATRE followed by an amazing lunch at SYLVIA’S RESTAURANT. We then culminate our day with a guided riding tour of HISTORICAL HARLEM. We depart Thrive 55+ at 7:45 am We return approx. 8:00 pm. Cost is $193 per person.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26 THE GOODSPEED – SOUTH PACIFIC  We are off to East Haddam to enjoy the 2:00 pm show of SOUTH PACIFIC. On a lush tropical island during World War II, battles of the heart are center stage in the Goodspeed premiere of the soaring Rodgers and Hammerstein classic. A lovestruck nurse and a young lieutenant are pulled into the tide of separate romances in an exotic world of risk and passion. But prejudice clouds their potential paradise. Get swept away by twin love stories and a rapturous score that includes “Some Enchanted Evening,” “I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair,” “Bali Ha’i” and more. Show is approx. 2.5 hrs (including intermission). We depart Thrive 55+ at 12:45 pm. Cost is $75 resident/ $85 non resident.

Building Renovation Update

Since February, when the Senior Center construction bids came in significantly higher than estimated, the plans for the renovation and expansion project have been reviewed with a fine-toothed comb for savings that will not compromise the integrity or functionality of the Center. In addition, a plan for modernizing the kitchen has been added. This new package will go out to bid this month.

The people of Lyme and Old Lyme are being asked for an additional appropriation of $660,000 (Old Lyme) and $220,000(Lyme). Two Town Meetings will be held on April 15th, where citizens of each town may vote:

• Lyme – 6:00 PM in the Lyme Town Hall
• Old Lyme – 7:30 PM in the Lyme-Old Lyme Middle School Auditorium

Please come out and vote!
In addition to this update, monthly “Building Buzz” information sessions are being held every 4th Tuesday at the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme at 11:15 AM.

More information can be found on the Senior Center Building Committee’s webpage:

United Way Food Distribution


Every 3rd Thursday of the month unless rescheduled.

Griswold Public Works Garage
1148 Voluntown Rd, Griswold

This month: Thursday, April 18th from 4-5:30

Foot Care Clinic

Wednesday, April 24th 

You must call to schedule an appointment

Veterans Coffee House April Dates & Presentations


  • April 2: Patti George will be speaking about “Wreaths Across America”
  • April 5: Visiting Vets at Colonial Health and Rehab in Plainfield
  • April 9: Social
  • April 16: Annual Meeting @ 9:00
  • April 19: Veterans Breakfast at the Lisbon Senior Center


Meeting is from 9:00 to 11:00 am
Open to ALL Veterans from all Services!

Griswold Community Clean Up Day

Saturday, April 27th


All residents are invited to help clean up their yards and streets in the community. The transfer station will be open from 7:00am– Noon with NO FEE. Call 860-884-5876 to adopt a road, arrange for trash pick up or any other questions.

Chair Zumba

Wednesdays from 9:00-10:00pm


A fun and exciting class!