Category: Programs

“How To Max Your Social Security Benefits”

Join us Thursday, March 26th. at 6:00pm., Agemy Financial Strategies will be presenting
“How to Max your Social Security Benefits”.


The new SECURE Act Impacts all retirement accounts are impacted by it. The SECURE Act, effective Jan 1, 2020, changes the rules regarding retirement accounts. Whether you are retired or still contributing, the SECURE Act impacts you. Attend this event to learn about the changes and strategies to mitigate new challenges.
Please join us in hearing about how it effects each of us

Thursday, March 5th at 1 PM RSVP 860-441-6785

presented by Nishant Sahoo, CRPC®, CPFA
Devoe/Schrage/Sahoo & Associates
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc., Mystic, CT

Holocaust Survivor Endre (Andy) Sarkany:A Story Shared

Holocaust survivor, Andy Sarkany, will be sharing his story at the Lymes’ Senior Center on Tuesday, March 24th from 6:00- 7:30pm. Born in Budapest, Hungary on October 31, 1936. Mr. Sarkany lived inside the Budapest ghetto which is where he remained during the Holocaust. Over the past 10 years Mr. Sarkany has been speaking to audiences about his personal experiences during the holocaust, living under the brutality of the Soviet Union regime in Hungary, and finding a home in the United States.This program is free and Sponsored by The Friends of the Lyme Public Library. Please register in advance for this event by calling the Lymes’ Senior Center at (860)434-4127 ext. 2 or the Lyme Library at 860-434-2272.

Women and War

Join us Tuesday March 24th at 1:00pm for Women and War Lecture presented by the CT. Women’s Hall of Fame. Please register for this free event.

Poetry, Prayers & the Arts for Healing Humanity program

Everyone is welcome to share poems, prayers and some form of the Arts expressing peace or peacefulness.

We’ll also talk about positive, non- political news events or actions or occurrences in our everyday lives that show kindness, compassion, oneness of humanity, caring, etc are growing into our culture. Peace is Possible

Mondays  in March  9:15—9:45 am at Groton Senior Center, 102 Newtown Road, Groton CT 06340

RSVP 860-441-6785


Ireland Trip Presentation

Thursday, March 19th. at 10:00am,  we will be holding an Ireland trip presentation   The trip scheduled for Oct 3-12, 2020 is  in  conjunction with the East Lyme Senior Center. This will be held at th EL Senior Ctr. Call (860)434-4127 to register for the presentation.

THE CENSUS AND YOU- What You Need To Know

Please join us for THE CENSUS AND YOU- What You Need To Know on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27TH 11:00 TO 11:30 am. Presented by The Town of Groton’s Complete Count Committee. Liz Porter, chair. After, Liz will be here for Questions and Answers in the community (main) room.

Many grants that affect everyone in the community are tied into population numbers so it’s drastically important that everyone participate to realize a complete count.

Data from the last census is about 10 years old, so it’s extremely important to get updated data on where people live and what their needs are.

Niagara Falls trip presentation Tuesday, April 7th

Travelers – mark your calendars now!  We have another  trip presentation Tuesday, April 7th at 3 pm is for our Niagara Falls motor coach trip that will take place this fall October 5-8, 2020 (Mon-Thu).

HIGHLIGHTS: Hornblower Niagara Cruise – Skylon Tower -Peller Estates Winery – Oh Canada EH Dinner Show

RSVP for the trip presentation at or by calling  860-441-6623. We need to know how many to expect!



I’m Turning 65….Now What?

Wednesday, March 18th at 1:00pm.   I’m Turning 65….Now What?  A Representative from Senior Resources will discuss Medicare, Social Security, etc.