The Gray School of Irish Dance will perform for us on March 17th at 1:00pm with a variety of Irish Dances including soft and hard shoe dances. The dances will include Reels, Jigs, Hornpipes (both contemporary and traditional), and Celtic dances. The dancers will be dressed in traditional
Irish Dance costumes.
Category: Programs
St. Patrick Day Luncheon
Join us on Thursday, March 12th at 12:00pm for a Saint Patrick’s Day Luncheon & Entertainment. Tom Callinan, Connecticut’s 1st Official State Troubadour, will be here at 1:00 pm to sign Irish and Irish-American songs and tunes. Call 860-388-1611 by March 2nd to sign up for lunch.
The 19th. Amendment
On Wednesday, March 11th at 1:00pmi, in celebration of it being 100 Years since women have had to the right to vote, we will be having a guest lecturer here to present a presentation on the 19th Amendment. Please register for this free event.
Friday, February 21st Noon – Paint-a-Long w/Carrie
Tea with Susan B. Anthony
Tuesday, March 10th at 1:00pm for Tea with Susan B Anthony presented by Sheryl Faye. Sign up required.
Why Register In Advance?
Have you checked out our EVENTS listing here on Facebook? Look at all the great talks we have for YOU!
Thing is – In order to successfully plan these events we ask that you please register in advance. We really appreciate you RSVPing! 860-441-6785 This way we don’t have to cancel due to low enrollment unnecessarily nor do you get left not being informed of changes per event.
DEMYSTIFYING FUNERALS Tuesday, February 11th at 5 pm
Please join us for DEMYSTIFYING FUNERALS Tuesday, February 11th at 5 pm presented by Fulton Theroux Funeral.
We need to know how many are coming – RSVP 860-441-6785.
Click here for more details
SHOW us YOUR talent!
GNOG SHOW is our annual variety show with staff and local seniors (anyone 55 plus) as entertainers!
We still have a few open slots for our Friday, February 21st event! 3 minute acts. Dinner begins at 5 pm—show to follow.
Interested? Please call 860-441-6623 or email
Groton Senior Center , 102 Newtown Road Groton, CT 06340
Airborne Band
Wednesday, March 4th at 1:00pm for Airborne Band. They are the proclaimed “Musical Peacemakers” of Contemporary Jazz sends out an Inspirational Message of Hope to the World. Airborne has a beautiful trademark jazz sound of Island Passion and Urban Emotion. The band’s hot rhythms and inspiring melodies smoothly cruise on a cool atmosphere of music and voices.
New Still Life and Watercolor Class
Starting at 10:00 am on Tuesday March 3rd, we will be having a weekly
drop in class. The class will be taught by Carolyn Youngblood Laban.
Carolyn Youngblood Laban – Illustrated for international magazines during
the 1980’s and 90’s; artist for small theaters, such as The Odd Fellows of
Middletown and First Congregational Church of Portland, CT in the 1990’s.
Commissioned artist for gift department in Shaprio’s, Middletown, CT;
demo artist for art supply store in Glastonbury; Commissioned artist for
individuals; Instructor for residence at Assisted Living complex in Rocky Hill,
CT; Commissioned for composition of grave head stone; Award winning of
first and second place in juried shows; Carolyn Youngblood Laban has had
One person showings in Public arenas such as Portland, CT Library, Liberty
Bank in Durham, CT. Latest showing at Café Roo in Niantic, CT. This will be
a drop in class, meeting each Tuesday in March. The cost of the class will be
$7.00 per class.