Category: Programs

Thursday, February 13th- Valentine’s Potluck luncheon

Time: 11:30am

We are pleased to announce that we will hold a Valentine’s luncheon on Thursday, February 13th at the Preston Senior Center.  We are fortunate to have the musical talents of Lenny Domina perform from 11:30 – 12:00.  Lunch will be served immediately after his program.

We are asking that each person bring a dish to share with the other attendees.  A sign-up sheet will be available at the senior center or you may call the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 extension 6 to register for the event.

​A fun filled afternoon is planned and we’re saving a spot for you.  Come, join your friends and neighbors and partake in some delicious foods.

Wednesday, February 12th- Essential Oils Class

Time:  11:00am to 12:30pm


Support the mind and body with easy to use aromatherapy rollerballs. Essential oils are a gift from nature that support the whole body naturally. Rollerballs are an easy and convenient way to apply the oils to the skin. In this class, you will learn the basics about the benefits and uses. You will be able to make and take home a rollerball of your own.


Time: 10:00am to 1:00pm


Free Program

Come join us for a wonderful morning and early afternoon of games, BINGO, prizes, lunch and the wonderful company of the Tyl Middle School Student Council and Junior Honor Club. We always have a great time and the students are a joy to share the afternoon with. PLEASE SIGN UP ON THE BULLETIN BOARD IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND.

Last Saturday of the Month- BREAKFAST FOR OUR NEIGHBORS

The First Congregational Church of Griswold and the Griswold Senior Center are presenting a free breakfast to families in need in Jewett City and surrounding area. This free breakfast will take place on the last Saturday of each month.


Started: 2/29/2020

Thursday, February 13th – VALENTINE DINNER

Time: 4:30 pm

Cost: $10.00 pp

Dinner will be Bacon Wrapped Scallops, Baked Fish with Seafood Stuffing, Rice Pilaf, Vegetables & Dessert.  Tickets on sale now!

Thank you Christmas Day Party

The Christmas Party on the 25th of December at the Senior Center was a success again this year!

With almost 90 people attending, everyone enjoyed great food, fun, friends, bingo and a visit from Santa.  It was also great to see and talk with Betty, as she has been involved for so many years.

Thank you to everyone who donated food, money and time for this special day.  A special thank you to the Bordeau Family who always do the “heavy lifting”; Kentucky Fried Chicken for their donations of food and Hart’s Greenhouse and Florist for the beautiful plants.  Also, a big thank you to everyone who volunteered and helped out!  You all made this Christmas special for everyone attending!

Happy and Healthy New Year to all.  See you all again next year!

Celia Siefert, the “Christmas Dinner Lady”


Thank you Senior Center Holiday Luncheon

THANK YOU to everyone who helped out at the Seniors Holiday Luncheon in January!

A special Thank you to Senior Center Volunteers Pat Clark, Marcia Coyne, Rosemarie Desjarlais, Ida Knowles, Dennis Ossont and Pat Sanderson for your time and help before and during the event.

Thank you to Matthews Catering Company for catering the delicious meal and serving.

Thank you to harpist Rebecca Swett for providing the lovely music during the event.

All of you made this day extra special and we appreciated it!