Category: Programs


Time: 11:00pm

Please join us for our annual Halloween Luncheon and Party and have some fun! Costumes optional—Why let all of the kids have the fun, wear a costume and win a prize! Always a great time! We will have a wonderful menu with delicious food, some great Halloween Games, and many friends to enjoy the afternoon with! Come and have some fun with us for an afternoon at the Center! Please sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend.
Bus is available.

October’s – Friday on the Bus

Friday, October 4th …………………Senior Center for Club Meeting & Special BINGO

Friday, October 11th ………….….…TBA

Friday, October 18th ………….…….Foxwoods

Friday, October 25rd ………..……….Lunch with Larry


Beginners Sewing- Wednesday

Location: Arts & Craft Room

Time: 9:30am – 11:15am


3/19- Change in days from Tuesday to Friday.

9/3/19 Switched from Friday to Wednesday.

Thursday, October 31st- Senior Foot Care Clinic

Time: 9am – 12:00pm

New London Senior Center and Visiting Nurses Association are partnering to provide free foot care to New London seniors once per month.

Please call for more information and to reserve an appointment!



Crafts with Cheryl and Judy- Fridays

Time: 10:00am – 11:30am

Location: Arts and Crafts Room


3/19- Change in days from a twice a month to every week. 

9/3/19 Changed from Monday to Fridays.

10/1/19 Changed from Fridays to Mondays.

Sunday, November 3rd- Montville Senior Club Tag Sale

Time: 9:00am to 1:00pm

Our next Montville Senior Club Tag Sale will be on Sunday, November 3rd  at the Montville Tag Sale Building!
If you would like to help, please let office know! The volunteers appreciate all of the support!

Saturday, October 26th- Montville Senior’s Present Taste of Montville

Time: 12:oopm to 2:00pm


Free Food Tastings

This is a FREE event fundraiser—we are collecting monetary donations for our Montville Veterans Fund, which is used to help our Veterans with immediate assistance for basic needs.

ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP- Fourth Thursday of each month

Time: 1:00pm

This support group will be meet on the fourth Thursday of each month. We have information on programs to help you cope or you may just need some support from others. You are not alone.   INFORMATION, READING MATERIAL AND AGENCY REFERRALS ARE ALWAYS AVAILABLE AT THE CENTER

7/1/19- Changed time from 4pm to 1pm.