Time: 10:30am
Provided by Care One Security
The statistics, risk, and falls and their impact on quality of life. 6 Steps to fall prevention. Learn 18 steps for household preparation.
Call to register.
Time: 10:30am
Provided by Care One Security
The statistics, risk, and falls and their impact on quality of life. 6 Steps to fall prevention. Learn 18 steps for household preparation.
Call to register.
Time: 11:30am
BBQ Pulled Pork w/bun, Corn on the Cob, Coleslaw & Peach Cobbler.
Includes Coffee or Tea
Call to register one week before.
Time: 12:30pm
Mind aerobics are exercises that can help improve your focus, enhance your memory and relieve stress. Join us on
will be walking at Ocean Beach Park on
If you would like to donate to our walk, make check payable to the Alzhiemer’s Association.
Call Senior Center for more information!
Time: 12:15pm
Learn first hand how not to overpay and how to make these plans work for you. This is an educational event and there will be a question & answer forum at the end. This is a great event to attend right before open enrollment. Ice Cream will be served after event. Please join us.
Time: 12:00pm
Dr. Kolker, Medical Director of United Community and Family Services will be here for a Prescription Medication Safety Discussion. Dr. Kolker will discuss opioid addiction and finding alternative ways to treat chronic pain.
Please join us for this important discussion.
Cost: $15 for AARP Members, $20 for non
Checks made payable to AARP
Must pay to sign up—first come, first serve.
Come sign up for this refresher driving course sponsored by AARP, receive a certificate and get a discount on your auto insurance! Great program and great discounts for our seniors!
3:00 PM
Cost: $5.00 donation
DINNER: Homemade Turkey ala King
MOVIE: The Hustle w/ Anne Hathaway & Rebel Wilson (new release—pg13)
Come join us for our once a month Dinner & Movie on an early Friday afternoon! What better way to spend the day than with good friends, good food, and good movie ! Please sign up if you plan to attend!
Time: 2:00pm
$8.00 donation
Entertainment by: John Banker (back by popular demand)
Fall inspired appetizers, Slow Roasted Apple-Stuffed Pork Loin,Potatoes, Vegetables, Dessert & more.
Please join us for our annual Fall Social and help up bring in the new Season with a great Fall inspired theme! Always a great time! We will have a wonderful menu with delicious food, some great entertainment, and many friends to enjoy the afternoon with! Come and have some fun with us and let’s celebrate another beautiful Autumn in Connecticut! Please sign up on the bulletin
board if you plan to attend. Bus is available.
Time: 12:00pm