Category: Programs

Enhanced Benefits- Second Tuesday of the Month by Appointment

Senior Resources provides preliminary screening for many general state and/or federal benefits or supports. These program include energy assistance, Connecticut Home Care Program for Elders, Prescriptions, SNAP (food stamps), Medicaid (Title 19), Medicare, Veteran Benefits, Energy bills, Housing, Tax Relief, Supplemental Security Income and much more.
It is completely confidential.  Your name or social security number is not required

Give us a call at 860-376-2329 to sign up

Over the Hill Gang Hiking with John- Fridays from September 6th to October 25th

Time: 9:00 am

Fri mornings starting Sep 6th through Oct 25th
Local hikes and away hikes.
Ride provided for away hikes. $5pp transport fee.
Wear sturdy shoes. Bring a bottle of water, snack, sunscreen and bug spray.

Directions provided.
Call to register & for more information

Renter’s Rebate Program- Open through October 1st

A program for low income elderly (65+) or disabled individuals who have rented in CT in 2018 and have not applied for the homeowners Circuit Breaker Program.  Program open through October 1, 2019.

Income Limits:
Single: $36,000 yearly or less
Couple: $43,900 yearly or less

Appointments are Needed
Norwich residents, 55 and older please call the Rose City Senior Center at (860) 889-5960.
If you are under 55 and a Norwich resident, call Norwich Human Services at (860) 823-3778.
If you reside in Senior Housing, please contact your Resident Services Coordinator for an appointment at your housing complex.

Beginner Tai Chi – Fridays

Time: 1:45pm – 3:00pm

Cost: $45 for a 10 week session

Interested in learning Tai Chi?  This class is for you!  Tai Chi is a gentle form of exercise using graceful movements to connect the mind and body.  Sometimes described as “meditation in motion”, Tai Chi is used for stress reduction and to help with a variety of other health conditions. This class is for beginners with no experience or limited experience.  Class starts September 6th.

This class is open to Senior Center Members only.  Not a Member?  Sign up today!

Started 9/6/19

Senior Karate I- Mondays and Wednesdays

Time: 9:00am to 9:45am

Martial arts for seniors focuses on improving stamina and endurance, maintaining physical safety, and even promoting mental acuity.

This program promotes positive personal development of the student. This class is an introduction to traditional karate-do taught in a safe and structured manner which will cater to every students personal needs. Students will learn basic karate technique which will strengthen them mentally as well as physically. Mobility and stretching will be a consistent part of class as well as learning fundamentals for self-protection. The cost will be $65 for 8 weeks. (that is ONLY $4 a class!)

You can register yourself from comfort of home too! (call us at 860-441-6785 and we can walk you through it)

Thursday, August 29- TECH TALK :we talk APPs

Let’s talk APPS! What APPS can do for you!

TECH TALK program runs 9:00 am -10:00 am. $1 per person to learn more about everyday technology. 860-445-1057



This coming Saturday, August 31st, is our MONTHLY DISCOUNT MOVIE MORNING at Mystic Luxury Cinemas

FEATURED MOVIE: The Peanut Butter Falcon
SATURDAY AUGUST 31ST, 2019 10:30 A.M.
27 Coogan BLVD Mystic CT

$10.00 INCLUDES MOVIE, SODA AND POPCORN.  Open to all participants of the Groton Senior Center.

Be sure to register at the front desk so that you will be guaranteed a seat at the theater. Registrations will not be accepted after Friday August 30th at 4:00 pm. For more information or to register call 860-441-6785


Beginning again on Tuesdays, October 15th- AGING MASTERY PROGRAM

As children, we’re taught how to be successful adults. By contrast, no one teaches us how to age well. As a result, most are unprepared for this new stage in life.
That’s where Aging Mastery® comes in. NCOA created Aging Mastery as a guide to building a playbook for aging well and making the most of the gift of longer life. Town of Groton Senior Center will start offering this great AGING MASTERY program again Tuesdays, October 15th.

Might A Reverse Mortgage Work For You?

Wednesday, September 25th at 1:00pm we will be holding a Snack and Learn on Reverse Mortgages. Cindy Perham (NMLS#110424) from Atlantic Home Loans will be sponsoring this informational presentation: Might a Reverse Mortgage (Home Equity Conversion Mortgage) be for you? She will lead a discussion about the benefits of a Reverse Mortgage and the many
uses for it. She will share information about the fees associated with the loan, as well as give examples of how this may work for you or someone you know. This will be an informational session only, no sales pitches will be given. Call (860)434-4127 to register.

Movie: Poms

Tuesday, September 24th at 12:45pm Newly Released Movie Comedy POMS will be shown. POMS is a parody about a gathering of ladies who structure a cheer driving squad at their retirement network, demonstrating that you’re never too old to ‘even think about bringing it!’ Starring In the cast are Pam Grier, Diane Keaton and Jacki Weaver