Category: Programs
Tuesday, October 1st- Footcare Clinic with Dr. Walters
Don’t neglect your foot care needs!!
Call for an appointment. Thank you
Thursday, September 19th- Soup Supper and The Secret Lives of Owls by Horizon Wings
Time: Dinner 4:30pm
Tickets: $6.00
Horizon Wings rehabilitates birds of prey and releases them back out into the wild. Here is your opportunity to see some owls up-close and learn all about them.
Soup will be Stuffed Cabbage Soup
Saturday, September 7th- 9/11 Dedication and Memorial Service
Time: 1:00pm
Join in the dedication of the 9/11 Memorial Monument at the Griswold Elementary School.
Hot dogs and Refreshments will be served by the members of the Griswold Senior Center .
Tuesday, August 20th- TVCCA Nutritionist
Time: 11:00am
Andrea Deedy will be here to discus ”Find the Hidden Sodium”.
Wednesday, August 14th- TVCCA Special Cafe Meal
Time: 11:30pm
Menu: Hamburger & Hot Dog, w/Lettuce, Tomatoes & Onion, Macaroni Salad, Garden Salad & Italian Ice.
You must be 60 yrs old. Please sign up!
Thursday, August 22nd- AARP Smart Driving Class
Time: 12:30pm to 4:30pm
AARP Members—$15.00
Participation in this course will save you money on your automobile insurance. Open to the Public.
Thursday, August 8th- Make Your Own Tie-Dye T-Shirt
Time: 1:30pm
Bring your own white t-shirt to our Tie-Dye Class. Then wear it at the 50th Anniversary of Woodstock Dinner & Dance.
Thursday, August 8th- Seniors Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program & Talk
Time: 12:15pm
2019 Eligibility and Information on Farmers’ Market Vouchers.
Please sign up!
Rental Rebate Program
In House Dates are now being scheduled- Call for an appointment or more information.