NON RESIDENTS you can register now for our SUMMER Classes!
Summer session runs July 1 through August 23.
Look here at our Discover55 newsletter online:
NON RESIDENTS you can register now for our SUMMER Classes!
Summer session runs July 1 through August 23.
Look here at our Discover55 newsletter online:
Discover Connections
This new program is a welcoming and nurturing program designed for individuals 55 and over with varied needs including those persons with beginning to mild cognitive challenges or anyone at risk for social isolation. The activities are planned to be fun with a purpose. They may stimulate memories or test the brain to solve a problem. New experiences will be offered involving art, music, cultural topics, history and more. This program is a social model for programming and no skilled care is provided by staff. Individuals who would like to participate must be comfortable in a group setting.
Discover Connections is scheduled in eight (8) week sessions as all other programs at the Center. Class will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 am-1 pm. Lunch will be from 12 pm to 1 pm. Participants can bring their lunch or purchase lunch as the Coastal Café in the Senior Center.
Participants must meet with facilitators prior to class for paperwork completion.
Fee $16 for the 8 week session
For more details please call Tomi at 860-441-6785
Wednesday, July 10th at 1:00pm as Karen Pliego from Caregiver Homes presents “10 things to Reduce Your Stress”.
Time: 5:00pm – 9:00pm
This is a sewing group – there is no official teaching but there is much sharing of information. Bring your own material and sewing equipment.
$2pp drop in fee
Time: 7:00pm to 10:00pm
NO PARTNERS NEEDED! Everyone welcome!
$10pp Tickets sold at the door starting at 6:30pm.
East Lyme Community Center
Light refreshments available.
Tuesday, July 9th at 1:00pm as Jared Day, PhD presents “Song and Dance of the 1940’s” with a focus on the tap dancing and singing of Gene Kelly.
We look around in today’s world and often notice we are looking down at a devise rather than at each other. It wasn’t long ago if you were waiting for your appointment, your turn to check out or for the movie to start that people were actually talking to each other.
The chatting might have been about the wait, the weather or other insignificant things but we were engaging with each other.
We humans are social animals. We fail to thrive as babies if we are not held, talked to and loved by others. The same holds true throughout our lives. We don’t want to be by ourselves 100% of the time. Oh, we like our alone time but soon find we want to be out and with others.
Often the problem arises in today’s world of how do we make new friends? How do we gather?
We have our routines where we go to family for the holidays. Off to this friend for Fourth of July. We belong to this club and volunteer over there.
Then time passes. We have moved. They have moved. There was a spat. The club or volunteer work is no longer rewarding. Friends and family have died.
We are more alone than we want to be… And it’s hard.
It has become harder to make new friends. Where do you find them? How do you start?
You could start by making a list of your friends and add to that list people you know who you would like to get to know better.
Now think about the things you like to do or want to do. Try to pair up those things and those people on your list.
When you think it might work, invite them to join you on that yard sale adventure or to go to the museum or how about the Farmer’s Market.
You won’t get a yes, every time but keep trying. Don’t give up. Try, try again.
And just try saying Hi to everyone you encounter during your week. Be the person you are looking for. Yes, I know it’s hard, but they are looking for friends too.
And remember is there to help you find those activities, events and trips to ask others to join you in.
Set a goal. Make two new friends this year and do three things you have never done before. And that can lead to a fuller and more engaging life!
Wednesday, July 3rd at 12:45pm we will be showing the movie The King’s Speech. This movie, which came out in 2010 and won 22 awards including for Best Picture.
We look around in today’s world and often notice we are looking down at a devise rather than at each other. It wasn’t long ago if you were waiting for your appointment, your turn to check out or for the movie to start that people were actually talking to each other.
The chatting might have been about the wait, the weather or other insignificant things but we were engaging with each other.
We humans are social animals. We fail to thrive as babies if we are not held, talked to and loved by others. The same holds true throughout our lives. We don’t want to be by ourselves 100% of the time. Oh, we like our alone time but soon find we want to be out and with others.
Often the problem arises in today’s world of how do we make new friends? How do we gather?
We have our routines where we go to family for the holidays. Off to this friend for Fourth of July. We belong to this club and volunteer over there.
Then time passes. We have moved. They have moved. There was a spat. The club or volunteer work is no longer rewarding. Friends and family have died.
We are more alone than we want to be… And it’s hard.
It has become harder to make new friends. Where do you find them? How do you start?
You could start by making a list of your friends and add to that list people you know who you would like to get to know better.
Now think about the things you like to do or want to do. Try to pair up those things and those people on your list.
When you think it might work, invite them to join you on that yard sale adventure or to go to the museum or how about the Farmer’s Market.
You won’t get a yes, every time but keep trying. Don’t give up. Try, try again.
And just try saying Hi to everyone you encounter during your week. Be the person you are looking for. Yes, I know it’s hard, but they are looking for friends too.
And remember is there to help you find those activities, events and trips to ask others to join you in.
Set a goal. Make two new friends this year and do three things you have never done before. And that can lead to a fuller and more engaging life!