Category: Programs

Hey where are my friends? – Content by Judy

We look around in today’s world and often notice we are looking down at a devise rather than at each other. It wasn’t long ago if you were waiting for your appointment, your turn to check out or for the movie to start that people were actually talking to each other.

The chatting might have been about the wait, the weather or other insignificant things but we were engaging with each other.

We humans are social animals. We fail to thrive as babies if we are not held, talked to and loved by others. The same holds true throughout our lives. We don’t want to be by ourselves 100% of the time. Oh, we like our alone time but soon find we want to be out and with others.

Often the problem arises in today’s world of how do we make new friends? How do we gather?

We have our routines where we go to family for the holidays. Off to this friend for Fourth of July. We belong to this club and volunteer over there.

Then time passes. We have moved. They have moved. There was a spat. The club or volunteer work is no longer rewarding. Friends and family have died.

We are more alone than we want to be… And it’s hard.

It has become harder to make new friends. Where do you find them? How do you start?

You could start by making a list of your friends and add to that list people you know who you would like to get to know better.

Now think about the things you like to do or want to do. Try to pair up those things and those people on your list.

When you think it might work, invite them to join you on that yard sale adventure or to go to the museum or how about the Farmer’s Market.

You won’t get a yes, every time but keep trying. Don’t give up. Try, try again.

And just try saying Hi to everyone you encounter during your week. Be the person you are looking for. Yes, I know it’s hard, but they are looking for friends too.

And remember is there to help you find those activities, events and trips to ask others to join you in.

Set a goal. Make two new friends this year and do three things you have never done before. And that can lead to a fuller and more engaging life!

Wednesday, July 3rd – Annual Rotary Club Sponsored Picnic

Wed, Jul 3rd @ 12pm at the East Lyme Senior Center

$1pp. Money collected will be raffled off!!

Hamburger, Hot Dog, Salads and Desserts are all provided by the Niantic Rotary Club.

Musical Entertainment.

Registration begins Jun 3rd.

Must register for this event.


Friday, June 21st – Grinders & Root Beer Floats


Fri, Jun 21st at 11:45 – $6pp

When you register, please tell us if you want a turkey or ham grinder. Chips and pickles. AND root beer floats!

Must register by Wed, Jun 19th.

Register begins Jun 3rd.



The Senior Center purchased the organ that is in the Dining Room many years ago.

For a long time, the Senior Center had someone who knew how to play it and regaled

our Center with her talent. However, it has been some time since anyone has played

the organ. We are now looking to remove it.


If someone knows someone who would be willing to take it, please let the Senior Center

office know. If someone knows someone who can play it and would be willing to come

to the Center, please let the Senior Center office know. Thank you.


Wednesday, June 26th- Lenny & Joe’s Fishtale

Open to Non-Residents if there is availability.Non-residents will be charged a $1.00 surcharge.

When registering for any of the trips listed below, you can sign up yourself and one other person only. Payment is due upon registration. Please stop by the Senior Center office.

Senior Center Day Trips use a bus from the Center for transport to and from the destinations.  Number of seats very limited.

Departure time: 11:00am
Return time: 3:30pm

We’re off to Lenny & Joe’s Fishtale in Westbrook. Shopping
afterwards. Departure time from the Senior Center at 11am. Return time around 3:30pm. Trip fee is $5pp.


Program Fees and Credit Card Payments Information

Program Fees

The Senior Center has been tasked with structuring its fee schedule so that the program fees collected for a

specific program will cover that program’s cost. This new policy will take place starting FY20/21 (July 2020). In preparation of that goal, each program will be reviewed regarding revenues and costs.  Additionally, area

senior centers will be polled regarding their fees. This change may affect session fees – it may affect session length – it may affect whether the Senior Center can continue to offer passes good for one year – it will likely make the Senior Center increase its  fundraising efforts.  We would like to hear any ideas that you have. Over the summer months as we gather data, we would like to hear your suggestions and/or concerns.

Please stop by the office at any time.

Credit Card Payments

The Senior Center has been accepting credit card  payment for trips and programs for over a year. There has been no extra charge added for credit card use. That will be changing. Once our data has been collected, a new policy will go into effect. There will be some sort of convenience fee added for credit card payments.

More info to follow.


Volunteers Needed

We can use some help! Join our team. We are seeking volunteers for the following:

Bingo Callers:  Fri at 1pm, rotating schedule

Meals on Wheels Drivers:  Rotating schedule as needed

Kitchen Help:  Rotating schedule as needed

Don’t see anything you like? Tell us what you would like to help us with!


Friday, June 21st- Grinders & Root Beer Floats

Time: 11:45 – $6pp
When you register, please tell us if you want a turkey or ham grinder.
Chips and pickles. AND root beer floats!

Must register by Wed, Jun 19th.
Register begins Jun 3rd.

Friday, June 21st- Friday Films- Bucket List

Time: 11:30am

Each Friday, Join us in the Library to screen a film on our wonderful new TV.

Bucket List- Two ailing men become friends and, against doctor’s advice, they travel the world together and have the adventure of a lifetime.