All your hard work has helped us achieve a successful referendum!!!
All your hard work paid off- Stay tuned for the progress of our new Griswold Senior Center!!
All your hard work has helped us achieve a successful referendum!!!
All your hard work paid off- Stay tuned for the progress of our new Griswold Senior Center!!
Time- 11:30pm
Come join us to celebrate Father’s Day!
Menu: BBQ Brisket w/Cornbread, Garden Salad, Green Beans, Potato Salad & Blueberry Cobbler. Milk, Coffee and Apple Juice included.
Please sign up!
Start gathering your paperwork! We will begin taking applications in mid-April!
Call the Center if you have any questions.
Cost is $99.00 per person
This is an unforgettable day trip to Plymouth, Mass. Enjoy a luncheon at the Hearth & Kettle Restaurant and a visit to Plymouth Rock. A four hour narrated informative whale watch to Stellwagen Bank, feeding ground of the world’s largest mammals.
Open to the Public
Depart at 11:30 am Return about 11:30 pm
Cost is $129.00 per person.
Enjoy a day at Yankee Stadium in New York as the Red Sox battle the Yankees. Tour includes: Luxury Fox Coach & Red Sox Yankees Game Seat.
Open to the Public
Need help this winter with heating costs??
We are taking applications for Energy Assistance at the senior center. Call to make your appointment and let your friends and family know too!!
Don’t be left out in the cold.
Last Day to apply for energy assistance is May 1st.
Don’t neglect your foot care needs!!
Call for an appointment. Thank you
Time: 7:00pm to 10:00pm
NO PARTNERS NEEDED! Everyone welcome!
$10pp Tickets sold at the door starting at 6:30pm.
Light refreshments available.
Time: 12:30pm to 4:00m
This course reviews and reinforces safe driving skills. No driving test and no written test. Contact your automobile insurance company regarding a potential discount with completion of the course.
Where: East Lyme Public Library
How: Register with the Senior Center in person. Payment is expected at time of registration.
Payment by check to AARP
$20pp for Non-Member
Time: 12:00pm
At the East Lyme Senior Center
Money collected will be raffled off!!
Hamburger, Hot Dog, Salads and Desserts are all provided by the Niantic Rotary Club.
Musical Entertainment.
Registration begins June 3rd.