Category: Programs

Friday, May 17th- ANNUAL ART SHOW

Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm


Please join us for our Annual Art Show! It is a wonderful event with live music, hors d‘oeuvres, and the absolutely beautiful art work from our Montville Senior Citizens Art Students! Don’t miss this wonderful event. Bring your family and friends and enjoy an evening with us at the Montville Senior Center while and the talents of our seniors!

Creative Writing Project- Tuesdays

Time: 10:30am – 11:30am

We are working on a creative writing project (that you can do on your own time / place) with a class of students from Montville High School. The project will include writing a letter to your “young” self about all of the things you have seen and done and how different life actually turned out to be. A date will be set to meet with the students to discuss “our” letters with “theirs”. (they are writing to their future selves). Join us for a fun creative actives! See Kathie for detail!


Tuesday, June 18th thur Monday, June 24th- Rose City Senior Center’s 2019 Annual Art Show- Submitting Artwork

Show ends at 11:00 a.m. on Monday June 24th

Any Member of the Rose City Senior Center may Submit Artwork.

Painting                                        Drawing
A. Oil                                               A. Pastel
B. Acrylic                                       B. Charcoal
C. Watercolor                               C. Pen, Ink or pencil

Photography                                Sculpture
A. Color
B. Black and White                     Quilting*

Collage/Mixed Media

*Quilting is for the Senior Center Art Show only.  The Regional Art Show does not include this category


  • Artwork must have been completed within the past two years.
  • No artwork previously shown at the Senior Center will be accepted.
  • Artist must be 55 years of age or older at the time artwork was created.
  • Artwork must be original.
  • All artwork must be framed.
  • If you meet the eligibility requirements and would like to enter artwork in the Art Show, please bring your pieces to the Senior Center from June 10th – June 13th.
  • Limit of 4 pieces of artwork per medium accepted.
  • Please label your artwork on the back with your name, medium, and title of the piece.

Thursday, May 30th- Senior Foot Care Clinic

Time: 9am – 12:00pm

New London Senior Center and Visiting Nurses Association are partnering to provide free foot care to New London seniors once per month.

Please call for more information and to reserve an appointment!





The State of Connecticut offers a state run Elderly Tax Benefit known as the Circuit Breaker. It is for eligible real estate taxpayers with the Town of East Lyme. To apply, you must have reached the age of 65 prior to December 31, 2018 or be totally disabled if under the age of 65. You are applying for a credit on the taxes due on your primary residence in East Lyme. Under the law, Social Security income MUST be declared and the program requires you to provide information regarding all GROSS income received during 2017. The new income limit, including GROSS income and Social Security: $43,900 for married couples and $36,000 for single persons.


Also, the Town of East Lyme provides on Additional Tax Relief for elderly and totally disabled homeowners. For further information, contact the Assessor’s Office at the Town Hall.

Filing dates for the above programs are February 1, through May 15, 2019.

Applications available at the Assessor’s Office in the East Lyme Town Hall. There is also a Veteran’s Exemption that is available. For more information, contact the Assessor’s Office.


BINGO – May Schedule

Time: Promptly at 1pm

For the month of May,  Bingo will be played on Friday, the 3rd, 10th 24th, and the 31st.

$1.00 for the 1st card and .25¢ for every additional card up to a maximum of 9 cards.


Movie: Red

Movie: Red starring Bruce Willis on Wednesday, May 29th at 12:45pm.

Keeping Safe from Crime

Keeping Safe from Crime with Local Resident and Retired Federal Law Enforcement Officer Johnny Cody on Tuesday, May 28th at 1:00pm.