Category: Programs



The State of Connecticut offers a state run Elderly Tax Benefit known as the Circuit Breaker. It is for eligible real estate taxpayers with the Town of East Lyme. To apply, you must have reached the age of 65 prior to December 31, 2018 or be totally disabled if under the age of 65. You are applying for a credit on the taxes due on your primary residence in East Lyme. Under the law, Social Security income MUST be declared and the program requires you to provide information regarding all GROSS income received during 2017. The new income limit, including GROSS income and Social Security: $43,900 for married couples and $36,000 for single persons.


Also, the Town of East Lyme provides on Additional Tax Relief for elderly and totally disabled homeowners. For further information, contact the Assessor’s Office at the Town Hall.

Filing dates for the above programs are February 1, through May 15, 2019.

Applications available at the Assessor’s Office in the East Lyme Town Hall. There is also a Veteran’s Exemption that is available. For more information, contact the Assessor’s Office.


BINGO – May Schedule

Time: Promptly at 1pm

For the month of May,  Bingo will be played on Friday, the 3rd, 10th 24th, and the 31st.

$1.00 for the 1st card and .25¢ for every additional card up to a maximum of 9 cards.


Movie: Red

Movie: Red starring Bruce Willis on Wednesday, May 29th at 12:45pm.

Keeping Safe from Crime

Keeping Safe from Crime with Local Resident and Retired Federal Law Enforcement Officer Johnny Cody on Tuesday, May 28th at 1:00pm.

Free Mother’s Day Event with Celebrity Nurse Homecare

Join us for this free program on May 28th from 10am -12pm. Celebrity Nurse Homecare will be bringing a trained masseuse to perform free mini chair massages and manicures. In addition, Celebrity will also have information on the Veteran Assistant Program with no out of pocket expenses and affordable health care services.

Spring II Session Starts Monday, May 6th

April showers are almost over and we head into MAY next week! In May, we start our SPRING II session on Monday, May 6th.
Have you registered yet for your favorite class? Have you seen the MAY/JUNE newsletter? We have some great new classes such a s Mah Jong for Beginners, Healing Warriors – (yoga for Veterans and Military), Yo Chi and Fit & Strong.

Beginning to mild stages of cognitive challenges? -Tuesday and Thursday

Are you or someone you know and love in the beginning to mild stages of cognitive challenges or at risk of social isolation?

If so, please consider joining us fro our new Discover Connections program every  Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30 am-1 pm starting May 7th.  Not sure?  Please call Tomi at 860-441-6782

Seating is limited so registration is required. The program will run for approximately 8 weeks. Stop in today to register or call us with any questions.

May 1st day trip to ENDERS ISLAND lunch and tour

We still have a few openings for our day trip Wednesday, May 1st to ST EDMUND’S RETREAT—ENDERS ISLAND.

Guided walking tour of Enders Island Cold lunch includes: 1/2 a sandwich and soup or a salad. Also, drinks and a dessert. We depart GSC at 10:30 am (GSC bus)

$ 16 per resident includes lunch tour and transportation.  Registration can be done in person at Groton Senior Center or online at  860-441-6785

**Payment is required to register for any day trip**




Patriotic Melody

Marcy Conway will be performing a Patriotic Melody in honor of Memorial Day on Wednesday, May 22nd at 1:00pm.