Category: Programs

May 21st- Spring Luncheon

Join us for this spring event and hear music from the Cutler Middle School Jazz Band.

Menu: Cornish Hen, Mashed Potatoes, Grave, Monaco Blend Beans and then Peach Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream.
Cost: $12 until May 17, $15 after.

Saturday, May 11th- SECOND ANNUAL MYSTIC MIXED DOUBLES PICKLEBALL TOURNAMENT A “warm-up” for Connecticut Masters’ Games.

Location: Groton Community Center
Format: Mixed Doubles Round Robin
A Division= Advanced @ 8 am
B Division=Intermediate @ 1 pm
C Division=Recreational Sunday 10 am -3 pm
$20 PER PERSON  (includes tee shirt & snacks for all registered participants)
Registration deadline: May 6th  Register online at or in person at the Groton Senior Center.
Questions?   Call the Center 860-441-6785.

May 10th -Rotary Club Dinner

Time: 5:00pm

Bring your friends and enjoy a wonderful dinner with a kind and giving group for a great cause! Menu: Grilled Chicken Breast, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Green Beans, dessert Cost: $7.00 Registration deadline: May 8th Proceeds support the Rotary Club Scholarship program.


Your center staff here is always working hard on several things but one biggie is that we are working towards obtaining the National Institute of Senior Centers Accreditation. Groton Senior Center was first accredited in 2004. We want to  keep this important status going.

It is important to be accredited as doing so recognizes that the center meets a high level of standards that are set nationally for senior centers, the center is meeting its mission, assures consumers that we offer quality programs and services and that we are a viable, fundable and qualified provider.

A large benefit of being accredited is that grant providers know we provide quality programs and it is recognized in the grant application process. The process can take six to eighteen months to complete accreditation so please bear with us as we meet all the criteria to benefit your center and you!



For this 2019-2020 year in grants, we received an National Recreation and Park Association grant to train instructors in the Fit & Strong program. This fitness program focuses on those with mobility issues and low fitness levels with the goal of improving their fitness so they are able to function at home and with everyday activities better.

We are also working on a local Pfizer grant, A.A.R.P. grant and a few bank grant applications to help with developing some new programs and supporting some of our older programs.

The process of writing a grant can take two or more months because of the information that is needed to be gathered, putting together realistic goals and objectives and a budget.  Once you have received a grant, aside from implementing the program or service that was written about, there are usually follow up reports and objectives you must meet to sustain the grant.

All that work pays off quite well though. Overall, Mary Jo says “it’s rewarding to be able to start some new programs that benefit people 55+ in our community.”


Looking for a Saxophone or Clarinet Player- Would you like to join a great group?

Rose City Senior Center’s concert band, Roseland Combo is looking for a saxophone or clarinet player to join this very talented group!  If you enjoy playing “vintage” music, then consider joining the Roseland Combo and put some “spark” back in your “sparkle”!

The Roseland Combo meets for rehearsal on Tuesday’s at 10:30am.  The group also accompanies the Golden Nuggets choral group on outings and occasionally plays for special events at the Senior Center.

Please contact Hilary with questions or if you would be interested in joining the group.


April Thank you

Thank you to Senior Center Volunteers Nancy Caplet, Rose Marie Desjarlais, Cora Landry and Joe Landry for their help with our Annual St. Patrick’s Day Corned Beef and Cabbage Fundraiser Dinner.  Also, to the very talented Pierce Campbell for his wonderful Irish music and songs during the event.

A BIG THANK YOU to the wonderful NFA Honor Society students who served the meal and helped clean up!  We would also like to thank Irene’s Family Restaurant for their donation of pizza to feed the hungry NFA students and of course to Ed Meadows for helping Director Mike in the kitchen!