With Kristen & Video
Indoor 1 mile walk
Must register/Space limited
Tue from 9am-9:45am
Free – through April 30th
With Kristen & Video
Indoor 1 mile walk
Must register/Space limited
Tue from 9am-9:45am
Free – through April 30th
Out next Montville Senior Club Tag Sale will be on Sunday, June 2nd from 9:00am – 1:00pm at the Montville Tag Sale Building!
If interested in helping, please let us know! If you would like to support, come on down and get those great finds you have been looking for!
Lyme-Old Lyme National Honor Society-an organization of high school students who demonstrate leadership and service inside and outside the school community-is putting on an Ice Cream Social and Trivia Event here at the Senior Center! Members of the Lyme-Old Lyme National Honor Society will be here eating ice cream with us as well as leading us in a group trivia program! The event will take place on Tuesday, April 30th at 12:45pm.
Hope to see you there! Please call (860)434-4127 to sign up.
The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) is looking for volunteers (ages 55+) to make a difference in your community. Many opportunities to visit or shop for older or disabled individuals, deliver meals on wheels, tutor in schools, serve veterans, and referrals to other community agencies.
Volunteer around your schedule and make a positive impact! Gina King, 860-425-6617 gking@tvcca.org
Thames Valley Council for Community Action, Inc.
Time: 1:00-3:00pm
Cost: Free
Come join us for an afternoon of screenings, information, goody bags & more! Lots of great information, many different topics and bring your questions! Snacks & beverages served, raffles too! Who knew “health” could be so fun!
Bus is available!
We are inviting area agencies and business to showcase their services and specialties to area residents from local and surrounding communities. In prior years hundreds of people attend this event to gather information and speak with agency/business representatives.
Registrants are offered a choice of table size, style and location. Register early as this event filled up well ahead of the deadline last year and we anticipate the same this year. The deadline is May 10th.
The Groton Senior Center looks forward to helping your agency/business showcase its area of expertise at this very popular event.
Email kwilliams@groton-ct.gov or call 860-441-6795
Rotary scholar awards of $2,000 will be given to three graduating seniors from
of the Groton high schools. Selection of awardees is based on: Scholastic Achievements, School/Club Leadership Activities, and Community Service
to Others, with consideration of Need and Educational Ambitions.
$7 per person Registration is required
860-441-6785 or www.grotonrec.com
Deadline to sign up for this dinner is May 8.
Proceeds go towards Groton Rotary Scholarship Fund.
Start gathering your paperwork! We will begin taking applications in mid-April!
Call the Center if you have any questions.
All residents of the TOWN OF GRISWOLD/Borough of Jewett City are invited to help clean-up yards and streets in our community. On April 27th, the transfer station will be open 7:00 am to 1:00 pm. There will be no fee. Get your friends, family or group together to help a neighbor/senior clean their yard. Adopt-A-Road with your friends or neighbors.
Trash bags and gloves will be available upon request.
For more information, Please call Tina 860-884-5876
Menu: Baked Smoked Paprika Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Mixed Vegetables and Cake.
Tickets are $6.00
Call senior center to get more information.