Time: 9:30 am
Join us for Rock Painting!!! Learn the basics and create your own unique rock. We will supply the paint, brushes & rocks for this class.
Please sign up!
Time: 9:30 am
Join us for Rock Painting!!! Learn the basics and create your own unique rock. We will supply the paint, brushes & rocks for this class.
Please sign up!
Groton Senior Citizens Club 55 INDOOR/OUTDOOR FLEA MARKET
May 4, 2019 / 9AM – 1PM
at Groton Senior Center, 102 Newtown Road, Groton CT
Community event—OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
Local Vendors, Bake Sale Table, WhiteElephant & Neighbors with Great Deals!!
Refreshments for sale in our Coastal Café /kitchen.
Call 860-441-6785 for more information
Need help this winter with heating costs??
We are taking applications for Energy Assistance at the senior center. Call to make your appointment and let your friends and family know too!!
Don’t be left out in the cold.
Last Day to apply for energy assistance is May 1st.
Time: 12:30pm
Join us for our monthly meeting to hear what’s new and upcoming.
Special Speaker Lorna Burkhart will join us and talk about Operation Christmas Child.
Come meet our members and make new friends. Light refreshments to follow meeting.
Time: 12:00-2:00pm
Join us for this spring event and hear music from the Cutler Middle School Jazz Band.
Menu: Cornish Hen, Mashed Potatoes, Grave, Monaco Blend Beans and then Peach Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream.
Cost: $12 until May 17, $15 after.
Location: Groton Community Center
Format: Mixed Doubles Round Robin
A Division= Advanced @ 8 am
B Division=Intermediate @ 1 pm
C Division=Recreational Sunday 10 am -3 pm
$20 PER PERSON (includes tee shirt & snacks for all registered participants)
Registration deadline: May 6th Register online at www.grotonrec.com or in person at the Groton Senior Center.
Questions? Call the Center 860-441-6785.
Time: 5:00pm
Bring your friends and enjoy a wonderful dinner with a kind and giving group for a great cause! Menu: Grilled Chicken Breast, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Green Beans, dessert Cost: $7.00 Registration deadline: May 8th Proceeds support the Rotary Club Scholarship program.
Time: 9:00am – 1:00pm
More Information to come or call the senior center.
Time: 5:00pm
A program on using streaming options for TV.
Sign up by April 12.