Category: Programs

News From the Greenhouse

It is winter and we Greenhouse Girls really enjoy focusing on the watering and neatening of our vast array of plants each Monday morning.  We get to recognize the various plants quite well, note their light appropriate placements around the room, but become concerned when one is suddenly missing.  May we remind you again that none are for sale as we are often grooming them for propagation of their “babies” for sale at a later date.

Do check with us before dropping off stray plants.  Sometimes we cannot use them, either because we have many of the variety, or they have noted disease or insects.  We enjoy adding unusual plants that are not too large due to our space limitations.

We welcome people to come into the inside greenhouse to enjoy the peace and quiet.  We also welcome people to see us on Monday mornings to answer questions.

In general, January is our quiet month.  February and March become our tomato propagating months.  April begins another glorious gardening season!

Carole, Sharon, Jill, Barbara and Pat ~ The Greenhouse Girls


St. Vincent de Paul Place Donations

Thank you to everyone who recently donated items for St. Vincent de Paul Place!  With your help we donated 4 boxes full of items along with warm fleece blankets which were all used to help make multiple people’s holidays a little brighter!  Thank you for your help!


Snow cancellations and early closings are on the following stations:  Television – Channel 2 and WFSB Channel 3.  Radio Stations WNLC (98.7), WICH (1310 am), WCTY (97.7) and K-HITS (100.9) .

Closing of the center includes the Fitness Center and Coastal Café.  If schools are delayed, the center will open at 8:30 and transportation will start at 9am.  If you are not sure, please call the center. The center will not reopen until the parking lot and sidewalks are plowed for your safety.

CALL BEFORE YOU GO Info Line is 860-445-2989.


Technology Center Help- Mondays and Fridays

We can schedule appointments to help you with what you need – we are able to individualize to best suit you! Stop into our fantastic Computer Tech Center to schedule an appointment for help call 860-445-1057.

Mondays- Friday :Open from 8:30am-11:30am and Monday and Tuesday open until 3:00pm


Mondays 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. We have free Ipad /Iphone help.

Tuesdays 1:00pm -2:00pm. We have free cell phone help

TECHY TEENS technology help- First Wednesday of the month

Time: 4-5 pm
Location: In our Computer Center
Let our Techy Teens tutors teach you New High-Tech Tricks
Technology help on topics ranging from smartphones
& tablets, digital cameras/photos, basic computer skills, eBooks, Microsoft Office, Facetime and more!
Who knows technology better than teens?!?! 🙂

Friday, February 22nd- Gnog Show

Time- 5-7pm

Get out of the house and please join us for our annual variety show!

Mmm the menu:  BBQ Pork Ribs, Baked Catfish, Roasted Potatoes, Spinach, Corn Rolls, Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie, Punch, Coffee

Entertainment after dinner.

Cost: $15

Do you have a talent you would like to share?  Each act is 3 minutes.

Please call 860-441-6623.


Better Breathers Club with American Lung Association- Every 3rd Thursday

Time: 1:00pm to 2:30pm

Better Breather Clubs (BBC) are support groups sponsored by the American Lung Association. The BBC is held Groton Senior Center on the third Thursdays of each month from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm, The gathering offers an opportunity to meet with a licensed respiratory care practitioner to learn the ins and outs of inhalers, and exercises for better breathing. You can also learn from the experiences of other group members who also live with shortness of breath from COPD, asthma, or other respiratory ailments. Call the facilitator, Anne-Marie Foster at 860-823-0543 for more details or email .

Open to the Public


Saturday, February 2nd- Souper Bowl

Time: 5-7pm

The ORIGINAL Southeastern CT Soup Tasting event!

This great community event is open to all!

Sample soups from area restaurants.

Proceeds to benefit your Groton Senior Center programs and services for community seniors. 860.441.6785

Advanced Registration $10pp ;  $12pp at the door

Sports Memorabilia Raffle – $20 for 25 tickets

Sponsored by H&R Block


Thursdays- CHOICES Health Insurance Counselor

Time: 9:00am – 12:00pm

Get help with Medicare coverage and billing.  Appointments at the center are every Thursday, 9am to 12pm.  Call Groton Senior Center to book an appointment 860-441-6785.

Call CHOICES for assistance by phone at 800-994-9422