Enjoy a meal with friends on Wednesday, September 5th
at 11:30 am. Stuffed Pork w/Cranberry stuffing, Seasoned Rice, Broccoli, Apple Sauce, whole Grain Bread & Apple crumb Pie for dessert.
Please sign up!
Enjoy a meal with friends on Wednesday, September 5th
at 11:30 am. Stuffed Pork w/Cranberry stuffing, Seasoned Rice, Broccoli, Apple Sauce, whole Grain Bread & Apple crumb Pie for dessert.
Please sign up!
Andrea Deedy will be here to talk about Fiber.
Thursday, September 20th at 11:00 am
As we proceed towards the November elections, we’ll hear lots and lots of chatter. Some that we agreed with and some that we dislike greatly. But now is the time to voice your opinion on what matters the most to you. Do you find certain issues are not even mentioned by those who are running for office? Do you think that those running ignore you? Do you feel left out?
Well now is the time. Call, email, text and/or write to those who are going to be on the ballot in November. Attend events where the politicians will be. Work on a campaign. Hold a sign stating what you want. And make your own sign if need be.
If we continue to leave the outcome of the elections up to others we can not continue to complain about the direction our state and country are going in. We must give voice to what is important to us!
I learned a long time ago that if 5 to 6 people contact a politician about any one issue, that issue is very important to a lot of people and they will respond. A recent example is Governor Malloy cut the Medicare Savings Program and when word got out lots of phone calls were made to CT Senators and Representatives and the program was fully restored.
Your voice does matter! Be reasonable. Be rational. Your opinion is important. Tell your story about why change should be made and how that change should look.
And you can make things better for lots of others when you become a part of the solution. Be a voice. Be an advocate.
The Renter Rebate Program through the State of CT provides a rebate for renters who are elderly or disabled. Applications for the Renters Rebate Program are available until Oct 1st. Please call the Senior Center for an appointment. In order to receive a renter rebate:
1. An applicant or the spouse must be 65 or older; or be 100% disabled (per Social Security);
or be 50 and a surviving spouse.
2. Must have lived in Connecticut for 1 year.
3. Total 2018 income which includes Social Security must not exceed:
Married $43,900
Single $36,000
If you collect Social Security, you must provide your SSA1099 for 2018.
4. 35% of the applicant’s annual rent and utility payments must exceed 5% of the applicant’s income.
Proof of income received and rent and utility payments made in calendar year 2017 must be provided.
Appointments will be made at Twin Haven and the AHEPA housing complexes. Watch for notices.
Tues 1st 8:30 Elder Care Review Team (card room)
Mon 3rd ***Senior Center Closed*** for Labor Day Holiday
Tues 4th 9:30 Shopping Trip to Walmart-Lisbon Landing
Tues 4th Trip Registration Begins: ‘Wright’s Farm Restaurant & Bakery’ (see below)
Wed 5th 10:00 Blood Pressure Clinic (conf room 1)
Thurs 6th TRIP: ‘Oliver!’ Goodspeed Opera House (call for availability)
11:00AM depart senior center (approx. return 5:30PM)
Fri 7th 8:15 Podiatry Clinic – Dr. Walter (call Mike for appointment)
Tues 11th 1:30 CSEA #403 Meeting (dining room)
Fri 14th TRIP: ‘The Big E’ West Springfield, MA (see pg 1)
9:00AM depart senior center (approx. return 7:45PM)
Sun 16th 11:00 Family Day, Mohegan Park (see pg 3)
Mon 17th 9:00 Senior Affairs Commission Meeting (card room)
Mon 17th Trip Registration Begins: ‘Legends in Concert’ Foxwoods (see pg 3)
Tues 18th 9:00 AARP Driver Safety – Smart Driver Course (see pg 9)
Wed 19th 10:00 Blood Pressure Clinic (conf room 1)
Wed 19th 10:30 Congressman Courtney ’Legislative Updates’ (see pg 1)
Wed 19th 1:30 AARP #1004 Meeting (dining room)
Thurs 20th 9:30 Free Hearing Screening (call Hilary for appointment) (conf room 1)
Mon 24th Trip Registration Begins: Newport Playhouse (see pg 4)
Tues 25th 9:00 Relative Caregivers Support Group (card room)
Thurs 27th 11:45 Senior Center Birthday Celebration (dining room)
The 15th Annual Norwich Family Day will be held on Sunday, Sept. 16th at Mohegan Park in Norwich. The goal for the day is to foster fun, play and community education and awareness about all the “good” in Norwich!
Multiple organizations will have tables with information and handouts along with demonstrations and free hot dogs and drinks! Be sure to stop by the Senior Center table to say “Hi”!
On your registration day, Dial (860) 889-5960. When you hear the message
saying the Senior Center is closed, dial 3433 and follow the instructions.*
Senior Center Members, Norwich Residents
-Beginning Monday, September 17 at 5:00pm
Senior Center Members, Non-Residents
-Beginning Tuesday, September 18 at 5:00pm
Open Registration (Any Adults, aged 18 and older)
-Beginning Wednesday, September 19 at 5:00pm
Time: 9:00 – 2:00 p.m.
We are looking for art and craft vendors who are interested in selling their handmade items.
Rent a table at our mini Holiday Craft Fair! $20 per 6-ft table.
Call Hilary for more information or to reserve your table! (860) 889-5960
Please reserve and pay for your table no later than Friday, November 30th. Tables are limited.
The Senior Centers of Southeastern CT event
Friday, October 5th 11:30 am
Port ‘n‘ Starboard at Ocean Beach
Entertainment by: Jose Paolo
Cost: $20 per person. Make checks payable to “Senior Resources”
Transportation is available for an additional $2pp (paid separately)
Last Day to Sign up and Pay is by Noon on Friday, September 28th
Friday, September 7, 2018
10:00 AM
Speaker: Senior Resources—
Grandparents raising grandchildren
The Senior Club holds their monthly meeting on
the first Friday of the month at 10:00am. (Unless
Holiday or special event, in which it will be held
the following Friday) Coffee & goodies will be
available before and after meeting.