Wednesday, March 13th from 12:30-1:30pm
Category: Programs
TVCCA Nutritionist Presentation
Thursday, March 7th at 11:00am
“Food for Thought” presentation
TVCCA March Special Meal
Wednesday, March 13th at 11:30am
Special Menu: Corned Beef & Cabbage
Registration is required by Wednesday, March 6th at 11:00am
Craft of the Month
March’s Craft: Basic Embroidery
Monday, March 18th at 12:30pm
Ask to sign up — limit of 8 people
Free kit included!
Monitor My Health Program
Thursdays at 2:00pm
A new program coming to the Griswold Senior Center! Are you able to make a commitment to better your health? This program requires one day a week @ 1.5 hours for 26 weeks. This is a free program for those 60+ years old. Great prevention for heart disease and diabetes, lower blood pressure and cholesterol. This program includes in-person sessions on nutrition, healthy habits & more. Followed by group fitness. Also one-on-one sessions with a registered dietitian. Commitment is required. You MUST register at the Senior Center to participate. Begins March 14 – September 26
Senior Center Closed for Good Friday
The Senior Center will be closed on March 29th
Lunch Date at Mr. Z’s
Tuesday March 19th at 12:00pm
Bus will leave Senior Center at 11:30
Sign up if you’d like to join us for a nice lunch!
Better Health Program
Available 4 days a week—call and come down to meet Michelle. Our new clinician for our mental health one-on-one services and group therapy! The Montville Senior & Social services is offering a FREE Mental Health Services at both the Montville Senior Center and Montville Social Servicers. Many people find the holidays difficult, or suffer from depression, have anxiety, addictions or just need someone to talk to. Mental Health is a very important part of health care. Don’t neglect your mind while taking care of your body! This program at the Center is made possible with a grant received from Senior Resources with Title III funds made available under the Older Americans Act. Call for details and/or an appointment! A suggested donation of $1.00 per visit is appreciated!
Dinner & A Movie
Friday, March 8th at 3:00pm
$5.00 donation request
Dinner: Roasted Pork Loin w/sides
Movie: Cruella w/Emma Stone
Before she becomes Cruella de Vil, teenage Estella has a dream. She wishes to become a fashion designer, having been gifted with talent, innovation, and ambition all in equal measures. But life seems intent on making sure her dreams never come true. Having wound up penniless and orphaned in London at 12, 10 years later Estella runs wild through the city streets with her best friends and
partners-in-(petty)-crime, Horace and Jasper, two amateur thieves. When a chance encounter vaults Estella into the world of the young rich and famous, however, she begins to question the existence she’s built for herself in London and wonders whether she might, indeed, be destined for more after all.
Health & Wellness Program
Monday – Friday Videos
Our Health & Wellness videos are for those interested in staying active and healthy from home. This is a continual program. The program is called COOPED UP WITH CAITLIN and videos are provided Monday – Friday and show you how to keep moving safely in your home! Working on different muscle groups, different areas of the body, etc. the videos will show you how to move throughout the home, using different furniture or household items to hold or hold on to while performing exercises to help keep your muscles and blood moving and flowing!