Category: Programs

Come Taste with us at our BAKERS BATTLE this Saturday

Do you love baked goods? Yet, not a baker?

BE A SAMPLER at our inaugural BAKERS BATTLE fundraiser this Saturday, July 21st.

We are licking on our fingertips Saturday as we sample delicious treats from Professional and Recreational area bakers in a friendly competition to be named BEST BAKER and win a great prize of free advertisement through our department.

Won’t you please join us!? Sampler/ Taste Testers $10 PP

Tickets available at the door.

All are welcome ~ no age limit no  town lines.   🙂

Our illustrious judges – including WTNH News 8 reporter Tina Detelj – will be picking the BB winners in each category.

#bakersbattle #bakedgoods #bakedtreats

Please join us Saturday for our Inaugural BAKERS BATTLE

Taste testers wanted this Saturday, July 21st from 11 am – 1 pm for our 1st Bakers Battle.

Come join us for an afternoon full of frosting, fondant and more!

All ages welcome.

$10 per person includes a sample from each of the bakers at the event. Tickets available at the door. Bakers Battle is a fundraiser for senior programs.



AARP Driving Course

Join us for the AARP Driving Course on Friday, August 17th from 1pm-5pm. Call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 to sign up.  Cost is $15.00 for members/ $20.00 for non-members. Checks written to AARP only, no cash will be accepted


Time: 10am

Wed, August 1st:

Be stormed prepared

Wed, August 8th: 

Getting your go-pack ready: financial records and important household papers

Wed, August 15th:

Stocking up – preparing your emergency food supply

Must register



We invite YOU to join us Thursday, July 12 is the CLUB 55 EVENING GATHERING light refreshments & dessert 6-8 pm

~Let’s mingle!

Tuesday, July 10th – lots to do and enjoy here!

Tomorrow, Tuesday July 10th, will be jam packed here.

We have the Club 55 meetings, we have TRIAD Tuesday to ask your police related questions at, Liver and Onions is the featured menu item and to top it off we have free cell phone help 1-230 pm in our computer center.

Hearing Education Seminar

Snack and Learn Hearing Education Seminar on August 8th at 1:00pm, presented by Audiology Concierge.