Category: Programs

June- “Senior Spotlight”

Karen Brown

Volunteers are a very special breed. They’re not afraid to step in when they see the need.

They’re always willing to lend a hand,
To lift someone up who’s sinking in quicksand.

They always have something encouraging to say,
And they manage to say it in the kindest way.

They share their skills, talents and time.
And in return, they don’t ask for a dime

Thank You Karen for helping with bingo, and other projects when needed! You’re greatly appreciated!



Medical transportation 24/7 when the Center cannot provide it for you. Eastern CT Travel vouchers may also be available.  We can also offer mileage reimbursement for travel to medical appointments. Call for information and registration.

Call for information and registration at 860-376-2604.


New Exercise Card

To participate in our exercise classes you must  purchase a card.  This card allows you to participate in one or all of the following classes: Tai Chi, Health and Wellness, Yoga, Exercise, and Pickleball.

($15 Members / $30 Non-Members)

(Income-based discounts are available for members. Please inquire at the front desk.)


Monday, June 18th – JOINT PAIN SEMINAR

Time: 12:30pm

Joint Pain Talk with Dr. Scott Stanat from Orthopedic Partners (Backus Hospital)

Please call to register



Anyone 55 and older is invited to join us at our annual SENIOR PROM! It is a Senior Prom for YOU!!

Takes place in the evening of Saturday June 9th /dinner at 5 pm / live band and dancing 6-8 pm.

The evening features an amazing buffet featuring lobster ravioli, ballroom music, and all the prom trimmings – complete with high-school-senior chaperones! A live big band orchestra provides music for ballroom dancing.

This event is for those 55 and older.  And NOT just for Groton residents.  Come with friends or with a date!

$15 pp   Menu: Lobster Ravioli, Broccoli & Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breast, Alfredo Sauce,
Monaco Blend Mixed Vegetables, Lemon Pie, Punch, Coffee

For details of this amazing event go here:



NEW!! Fitness Passes

We now offer fitness passes.

They can be purchased 5 visits for $25 OR 10 visits for $50. These passes can be used in any fitness class. Stop by the desk today to purchase one or get any questions answered.  860-441-6785