Category: Programs

Looking for people Interested in Beginner Tai Chi – Fridays

Time: 1:45pm- 3:00pm

Interested in learning Tai Chi?  This class is for you!  Tai Chi is a gentle form of exercise using graceful movements to connect the mind and body.  Sometimes described as “meditation in motion”, Tai Chi is used for stress reduction and to help with a variety of other health conditions. This class is for beginners with no experience or limited experience.  Start date of class TBD in the Fall.

Minimum number of participants needed in order to start the class.
Please leave your Name & Telephone Number at Reception if interested.
Classes are open to members of the Rose City Senior Center only.  Not a member yet?  Sign up today!

Thursday, June 14th- Games with the 6th Grade Academy

Time: 10:00am-11:30am

TOP CLUB Students from Teacher’s Memorial Global Study Magnet Middle School will be here to play games and interact with seniors. The 6th grade students will also be helping to clean-up the outside area of the Senior Center.  Please stop by to play games and meet with the students!

Please sign up at Reception if you will be attending.


Thank you! – Volunteer Recognition Breakfast

Thank You to Senior Center volunteer Cora Landry who helped with set-up, Big Y volunteers who helped with food preparation and serving; Clayton Allen for his wonderful entertainment and to Matthew’s Catering for the delicious food and clean up!  Thank you all so much!


Thank you- Pet Wellness Clinic – CT Humane Society

A very big thank you to the CT Humane Society who recently held a free Pet Wellness Clinic at the Senior Center!  This clinic provided much needed help to seniors who may not have had the access to veterinary care for their beloved pets due to financial reasons.  36 pets were able to be seen during this clinic.  Thank you so much!


Thursday, June 28th- Lyme Disease

Time: 10:30am

Please join us for this presentation by Dr. Michael Kilgannon, Medical Director at St. Joseph Living Center in Windham.  Learn about Lyme Disease and the different forms this disease has.  Dr. Kilgannon will also be discussing signs and symptoms of Lyme

Disease along with treatment options available.  There are many other tick borne diseases besides Lyme Disease and some others will also be discussed.  Light refreshments will be served.

Please sign up at Reception if you will be attending.


June 19th-25th- Rose City Senior Center’s 2018 Annual Art Show

Tuesday, June 19th thru Monday, June 25th

(show ends at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, June 25th)

Stop by the Dining Room to see the amazing works of art by our Senior Center Members!

Any Member of the Rose City Senior Center may Submit Artwork.

How to Protect Yourself Internet Cons & Scams

How to Protect Yourself Internet Cons & Scams sponsored by Fulton-Theroux Funeral Service will be held here at the center on June 27th at 1:00pm. Please call and reserve your space today! 860-434-1658

Memorial Garden Dedication Ceremony

Join us for our Memorial Garden Dedication Ceremony on June 26th at 1:00pm which will be held outside (weather permitting). Refreshments will be served.