“Breakfast is gold, lunch is silver and dinner is lead!”
Please join us for our
McLew’s Breakfast
Friday, May 18th 8:45 am
Our menu this month is pancakes, bacon, hash browns, fruit cup, orange juice and coffee.
“Breakfast is gold, lunch is silver and dinner is lead!”
Please join us for our
Our menu this month is pancakes, bacon, hash browns, fruit cup, orange juice and coffee.
Movies are shown on Wednesdays 1 pm in Classroom 1. Closed Caption.
$3 per person. Registration is required.
NEW! Movies are now sponsored by Club 55. Hence, movie will cost Club 55 members $1.00 and Non-members $3.00 Fee includes popcorn & punch.
Battle Of The Sexes
The 1973 tennis match between Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs became the most watched televised sports event of all time. Trapped in the media glare, King and Riggs were on opposites sides of a binary argument, but off-court each was fighting more personal and complex battles. With her husband urging her to fight for equal pay, the private King was also struggling to come to terms with her own sexuality, while Riggs gambled his legacy and reputation in a bid to relive the glories of his past. PG-13 Drama/Comedy-drama 2h 1m
Wednesday, June 27
Darkest Hour
A thrilling and inspiring true story begins at the precipice of World War II as, within days of becoming Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill (Academy Award nominee Gary Oldman) must face one of his most turbulent and defining trials: exploring a negotiated peace treaty with Nazi Germany, or standing firm to fight for the ideals, liberty and freedom of a nation. As the unstoppable Nazi forces roll across Western Europe and the threat of invasion is imminent, and with an unprepared public, a skeptical King, and his own party plotting against him, Churchill must withstand his darkest hour, rally a nation, and attempt to change the course of world history. PG-13 Drama/History 2h 5m
Join us for a special musical program Over Here & Over There: Songs From And About The Great War (WWI) on June 13th at 1:00pm. In honor of the Centennial of the United States’ active involvement in World War I (1917), Tom Callinan, designated Connecticut’s 1st Official State Troubadour in 1991, has developed a program of diverse songs from and about World War I. Interspersed with the music, and through the prism of history, Mr. Callinan weaves a narrative regarding some of the contributing factors, which made “The War To End All Wars” the first modern war. Prior to President Wilson’s request to Congress for a Declaration Of War in 1917, the slaughter had dragged on for nearly 3 years, killing many millions of combatants and civilians. Although the United States had adopted an official position of isolationism, it maintained transatlantic trade with our allies in Europe. However, with continued German U-Boat attacks on merchant and passenger shipping and other factors at home and abroad, the veil of neutrality inevitably fell, and the United States committed her nation’s blood and treasure to the fray – initially with a volunteer military, and then a draft. The songs in Tom’s program represent a mixture of moods: patriotic songs that accompanied the troops marching off to war, full of exuberance and bravado; popular songs from the music halls, and Tin Pan Alley; songs of farewell; others that dealt with the loss of innocence, resulting from the soldiers’ time spent overseas; the most popular anti-war song of the period; and contemporary, retrospective songs. Among the latter group is Tom’s original composition, “Searching for Great-Uncle Jerry”, written in honor of his late greatuncle Jeremiah J. Coleman, who was killed in action in France in 1918.
We need YOU – if you bake!
Our Club 55 is looking for baked goods for our annual Market this Saturday, May 12th.
We are accepting baked goods donations 9-2 pm Friday, May 11th. Please label goods and also please mark if they include nuts.
Wed, May 9 -KNEE PAIN & HEEL PAIN talk
by Drs. Piposar & Vafek’s at 12:30 at Groton Senior Center
THANK YOU to ALL who donated items for our annual Club 55 FLEA MARKET this Saturday.
Wow! What amazing items we have received!
Club 55 is no longer accepting donations for the flea market on Saturday.
w/Southern CT Vascular Center, Vascular Experts
Mon, May 21st – from 9am-12pm
Appointments needed for a quick ultra sound.
Registration begins May 1st. Free.
Broadway Baritone, James Michael will perform on June 6th at 1:00pm. James Michael is a world class baritone. His widely and critically acclaimed production of “Melodies of Memories and Miracles Broadway Classics” brings the sound of Broadway like no other. James has become one of the most sought after singer / entertainers in retirement communities across the country and is invited back numerous times during the year. James’s website www.jamesmichaelbaritone.com is full of testimonials, video and more about his incredible journey back into music.
Newly Released Movie “The Post” will be shown in closed caption on June 5th at 12:45pm. Katharine Graham is the first female publisher of a major American newspaper — The Washington Post. With help from Editor Ben Bradlee, Graham races to catch up with The New York Times to expose a massive cover-up of government secrets that spans three decades and four U.S. presidents. Together, they must overcome their differences as they risk their careers — and very freedom — to help bring long-buried truths to light.
PLANT BASED Cooking Class with the amazing Food For Your Soul LLC
(for anyone 18 and older)
MAY 9th and May 10th
Wednesday and Thursday, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. at Town of Groton Senior Center
A plant based cooking class geared towards healthy and nutritional dishes. Open to the public.
Cost is $25/res. for each session (2 classes) Register ON LINE NOW at www.grotonrec.com or call 860-441-6785