Category: Programs

Tuesday, May 8th- 55 ALIVE DRIVING COURSE Sponsored by AARP

Time: 12:00pm-4:00pm

$15.00 AARP members
$20.00 non-members

Come and take this refresher course, receive a certificate and get a discount on your auto insurance! Sponsored by AARP, this refresher course is designed to keep drivers safe! Must sign up!

Saturday, May 12th- Shed It Day

Time: 9:00am-1:00pm

The Montville Senior Center & Dime Bank are proud to present the SHRED – IT Program. Come to shred your personal information in a safe and secure manner.

Don’t be a victim of identity theft or fraud. Don’t let your important information go in the hands of someone that could cause you potential harm. Here are some basic guidelines from the CT Dept. of Consumer Protection.
Shred all credit card, debit card and ATM receipts after you’ve checked your statements (unless needed for tax purposes)
Shred all statements no longer needed that bear your signature, credit card number, phone number, social security number, or medical or legal information.

Tuesday, May 22nd- Annual Older American Month Luncheon & Celebration

Time: 1:00pm-2:30pm

Since 1963, the nation has come together to honor it elderly residents. Declared Older Americans Month by President Kennedy, it is a time to thank our seniors for the contributions they have made to our country, our community, and our lives. Pleases join us in a celebration in your honor! Please sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend!

Friday, May 18th- Annual Art Show

Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm


Hors D’oeuvres, live entertainment, raffles & beautiful pieces of art work
Senior Citizens Center Student Artists
Annual Art Show
Open to the Public
Please join us for this annual event! Our senior artists work diligently all year to produce wonderful pieces of art! Paintings, drawings, Zentangle art—many differing genres—all beautiful! Come and support our Montville Senior Center Student Artists and have a great evening out!