Category: Programs

Wednesday, May 30th- Movie Showing: Battle of the Sexes

Movies are shown on Wednesdays 1:00 pm in Classroom 1. Closed Caption.
NEW!!!!   Movies are now sponsored by Club 55.  Hence, movie will cost Club 55 members $1.00 and Non-members $3.00
Fee includes popcorn & punch.  Registration is required.

Battle of the Sexes
The 1973 tennis match between Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs became the most watched televised sports event of all time. Trapped in the media glare, King and Riggs were on opposites sides of a binary argument, but off-court each was fighting more personal and complex battles. With her husband urging her to fight for equal pay, the private King was also struggling to come to terms with her own sexuality, while Riggs gambled his legacy and reputation in a bid to relive the glories of his past. PG-13 Drama/Comedy-drama ‧ 2h 1m


Saturday, May 12th- 1st Annual Mystic Mixed Doubles- Pickleball Tournament

At: Fitch Middle School

A “warm-up” for Connecticut Masters’ Games.
Format: Mixed Doubles Round Robin
A Division= Advanced @ 8 am
B Division=Intermediate @ 1 pm

(includes tee shirt & snacks for all registered participants)

Registration deadline: May 6th


Tick Borne-Disease- TICK PREVENTION

Tick Borne-Disease

Groton Senior Center is now part of the SECT Lyme Disease Prevention Task Force


Staying active is an important part of living and aging well. Warmer weather makes it easier for us to get outside and garden or hike our beautiful parks and wooded areas. Warmer weather also means that deer ticks are more abundant, and many ticks carry Lyme disease or other diseases. So, protect yourself by limiting your exposure to heavily wooded and shaded areas, maintaining your property by clearing away leaf debris and tall grass. Keep deer off your property and when hiking, staying on wide paths.  Don’t forget to check your body for ticks each day and remove them promptly to reduce your risk of infection. For more information contact Ledge Light Health District

Monday, May 21st- LedgeLight Health District- Basic Food Safety Knowledge and tips

1 in 6 Americans will get food poisoning each year.  Ledge Light health District will talk about safe cooking temperatures, food to try to avoid, safe food handling practices, sanitization and more on how to protect ourselves from food poisoning.  With grilling season just around the corner, come learn how to practice Safe Food Handling.

Coming soon! – Active Living Every Day (ALED) program

Active Living Every Day (ALED) program

is an evidence-based behavior change program. The approach is unique because it addresses the root causes of inactivity rather than simply prescribing exercise. ALED is like no exercise class you’ve ever been to. In fact, you won’t exercise at all in your weekly Active Living classes. Instead, you’ll find ways to be active every day: at work, at home, on vacation, etc.

Active Living Every Day works because you’ll learn the skills you need to become and stay physically active.


June 1st-30th – Annual Senior Art Show

First Place winners will go to the Regional Art Show at the Senior Expo, which will be held in July 2018 in Norwich.

Groton Residents- Enter and show your talent.
Artwork must be in by Tuesday, May 29th.
Judging will be Monday, June 4th.

Painting                                                                  Drawing
A. Oil                                                                     A. Pastel
B. Acrylic                                                              B. Charcoal
C. Watercolor, Pen, Ink Wash                         C. Pen, Ink or pencil

Photography                                                          Sculpture
A. Color
B. Black and White


Begins Monday, May 7th- AGING MASTERY PROGRAM®

Time: 9:30am- 11:00am

The Aging Mastery (10 week) Program® (AMP) encourages mastery– developing behaviors across many dimensions that will lead to improved health, stronger financial security, and overall well-being.
By participating in this program, you will: Make and maintain small but impactful changes in your health behaviors, financial well-being, and enrichment in later life.
Get REAL incentives and rewards for taking small steps that can improve your well-being. Learn to be your own advocate.
Meet new friends, provide support and encouragement to your peers, and become more involved in your community.

Limited spots available: for more details contact  or 860-441-6623.