Time: 12:30pm
Category: Programs
May Newsletter
Ballroom Dancing- Tuesdays and Wednesdays **No longer going on**
Time on Tuesdays: 5:30pm
Time on Wednesday: 1:15pm
Thursday, June 21nd- Club 55 Annual Strawberry Festival
TIME: 5 p.m.
COST: $10/member, $15/non-member
Menu: Baked Sea Bass w/ Strawberry Salsa, St. Louis Style Pork Ribs w/ Sweet & Tangy Sauce, Strawberry Mashed Potatoes, Catalina Blend Mixed Vegetables, Strawberry Shortcake over Biscuit,
Punch, Coffee
Wednesday, May 23- Active Living Expo
Time: 10:00am – 1:00pm
Join us for this annual event where agencies will provide you with health and fitness information, financial and
investment information and ways to age actively and well.
Open to all in the community
Quilting- Thursdays **Last class May 17th until September 2018**
Time: 11:15am – 1:15pm
Location: Arts and Craft Room
Drawing Friday, June 8th- Afghan Raffle
A beautiful white with red flowers crocheted afghan is being raffled with all proceeds to benefit programs and events at the Rose City Senior Center. The handmade afghan was made by a very talented Senior Center Member and donated to us.
Tickets are 3 for $1 and are available at reception.
Drawing to be held on Friday, June 8th and you do not have to be present to win!
Tai Chi Advanced- Fridays
Time: 12:00pm
Fee: $95 Ongoing
Contact Hilary at 860-889-5960.
Saturday, May 12th- Rose City Senior Center Community Yard Sale
Time: 9:00am – 1:00pm
Rain Date: Sunday, May 13th
It’s time for our annual Community Yard Sale!
Our parking lot will become one giant multi-seller yard sale with LOTS of items for sale.
Be sure to stop by and shop for your next “treasure”!
Have items to sell? Rent a space for $20 (10’ x 20’) or $30 (20’ x 20’).
We are also looking for volunteers to help at the event and donations for the Senior Center yard sale table.
Wednesdays and Fridays- Yoga
Time: 10:45am
Cost: $4 per week or $3 per week paid in advance
This is a balanced class for strengthening, stretching, meditative focus and overall vitality. The poses and movements are done in sitting, lying and standing. Poses can be modified so that all participants can make the class work for what they need. This class is a floor based exercise class. Please bring a yoga mat with you.