Saturday, March 2nd
Meet us there or sign up for transportation. Registration is required.
Saturday, March 2nd
Meet us there or sign up for transportation. Registration is required.
Wednesday, March 13th at 11:30am
Please join us for a festive luncheon celebrating Saint Patrick Day
Menu: Corned Beef, Herb Crusted Cod, Boiled Potatoes, Cabbage, Carrots,
Soda Bread, Chocolate Cake, Punch, Coffee.
Cost is $20 pe person
Register by March 8th.
If room, late fee $5.00 will apply
Closed on March 19th
Mar 1 – Arline Trail
Amston (NW) – Easy
Mar 8 – Moodus Forest
East Haddam – Easy
Mar 15 – Arline Trail
Amston (East) – Easy
Mar 22 – Oswegatchie Hills
Niantic – Difficult
Mar 29 – Sprague Land Preserve
Sprague – Moderate
Wednesday, March 27th at 11:00am
So, what is the ROMEO Club?
(Retired Old Men Eating Out)
They eat out, have fun, make and keep friends.
Men Only!
Trip fee is $5pp (transportation only).
Wednesday, March 13th at 11:00am
Jealous Monk in Mystic
Open to Non-Residents if there is availability
Non-residents will be charged a $1.00 surcharge.
Senior Center Fun Trips use a bus from the Center
for transport to and from destination.
# of seats very limited.
Trip fee is $5pp (transportation only).
Friday, March 22nd from 1:00-3:00pm
Nancy Souza, Card Maker, Mixed Media Artist and Altenew Certified Educator presents Paper Pieces Bird On A Paper Nest Canvas Board Class. Learn how to make a colorful collaged paper bird, perched on a paper bag nest on a canvas board. Vintage book pages create the colorful painted background.
Cost is $15.00 pp. Registration begins Mar 1st. Register by Mar 13th.
Wednesday, March 20th at 10:00am
Smith’s Acres will bring everything you need to create a great Easter centerpiece. We will take a white wicker basket and fill it with all the colors of spring. Each basket will get a spring flowering bulb, an herb for texture and aroma, and some pansies or violas. We will top it all off with some moss, and a bright spring bow.
The baskets all have a plastic liner, so are safe to place on your dining room table.
Once Easter is past, everything can be planted in your garden for years of continuing color.
Cost is $25pp. Registration begins Mar 1st. Register by Mar 15th.
Wednesday, March 13th from 4:00- 5:30pm
Bob Ross style painting event where we will sit with the Scouts and do a painting together, St Patrick’s Day themed!
Tea sandwiches and shamrock punch will be served, followed by a parfait cup dessert.
Everyone will go home with their own painting, a St. Patrick’s pin, and a small flower arrangement.
Registration begins Mar 1st. Register by Mar 7th. (no transportation available)
Thu, Apr 4th – June 20th, 2pm – 3pm, No class Apr 11th
Group class combining exercises for speech, memory, movement and music for people living with Parkinson’s disease.
Participants will learn how using INTENT can improve overall health, wellness, and joy!
Class fee $220 per person, 11 Classes. Registration begins on Mar 1st.