Time: 9:00am – 1:00pm
Large variety of vendors, bake sale, refreshments, white elephant sale and neighbors w/great deals.
Rain date Saturday, May 19th
*Want a table? See the Reception Desk.
Time: 9:00am – 1:00pm
Large variety of vendors, bake sale, refreshments, white elephant sale and neighbors w/great deals.
Rain date Saturday, May 19th
*Want a table? See the Reception Desk.
Katie Ziskind Marriage and Family Counselor
Share, interact and learn from one another in a safe supportive environment.
Join us if you lost a loved one, a caregiver or an adult looking for support.
Thu, May 10th at 10am. Free
Call to register
Thu, May 31st Luncheon at the East Lyme High School $5pp – Registration begins May 1st.
Buffet of hamburgers, hot dogs, BBQ chicken, pasta salad, garden salad, fresh fruit, dessert.
11:30am musical concert
12pm lunch
12:45pm tour of the high school
Present a staged reading of
George Feydeau’s
“A Fitting Confusion”
Directed by Joyce Beauvais
Fri June 1st at 7pm $12 Fee
Sat June 2nd at 1pm $12 Fee
Reservations strongly suggested and can be purchased now either by calling the Senior Center office at 860-739-5859 with your credit card information or tickets will be available at the door.
Concessions will be available for a fee at both performances.
with Dr. Piposar and Dr. Vafek
Talk on Knee Pain
Wed, May 16th at 12:45pm
Call to register beginning May 1st.
Thinking of You and Get Well Wishes go to Lawrence Barrett and Marie Foley.
Our Sympathy to the family of Lorraine Rainey, Doris LaPre, William Bailey, Pat Mereen,
Eleanor J. Miller, Joan Cruz, Michael Ford, Sr., Henry Olender and Barbara Barr.
Condolences to Covington Holland for the loss of his sister, Betty McCray.
The March Birthday Celebration honored 3 seniors: Paula Rebman, Brenda Young and Bill Williamson who won a gift card to Walmart. Happy Birthday!
The Birthday Celebration for May will be on May 30th at 11:45 a.m. You must sign up in the Dining Room for lunch that day to be eligible for the drawing.
Finishing Strong! A Discussion on Estate Planning This presentation is sponsored by Fulton-Theroux Funeral Service will be held on May 30th at 1:00pm. Please join us for a free seminar where we will be discussing some of the important ways you can help protect your family and estate from unnecessary hardships with tools such as Wills, Power of Attorney, Prearranged Funeral Services and more. Get some helpful information that will help you and your family when you meet with your local attorney and start or continue your estate planning process. The atmosphere is relaxed, the discussion is candid, and refreshments will be served. Please call and reserve your space today! 860-4341658.
Fri, May 18th @ 1:00 at the East Lyme Senior Center
East Lyme Senior Center, Bridebrook Health and Rehab & Crescent Point of Niantic are
sponsoring our Annual 90+ Tea to honor the Town’s Nonagenarians – folks who have made it to 90
and beyond. Help the Senior Center identify our Nonagenarians – call us so we can invite them!
Honorees can invite 2 guests at no charge!
Everyone else is $2pp and EVERYONE is welcome.
Registration begins May 1st and ends May 16th.
Lovely tea sandwiches–side salads-pastries
Dessert made by “Momma B’s Sweet Treats”
Entertainment by Dan Bernier.
Time: 10:30am
Learn how to apply make-up with four items.
Please call to register.
Hot dog, Hamburger, Potato Salad, Baked Beans.
Dessert provided by Crescent point.
Followed by Bingo
$6 fee
Registration begins May 1st.