Category: Programs

Games Day!

Wednesday, March 27th from 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.


Three Rivers Middle College National Honors Society students will be here for an afternoon of fun and games!  Join us to play various card games, board games, Cornhole and more!

Cookies & coffee will be served and Goody Bags will be given out to all participants.

Please sign up at Reception if you will be attending.


Golden Nuggets

Tuesdays from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

The group will be starting back on Tuesday, March 5th

Golden Nuggets is Rose City Senior Center’s glee club and they are looking for new members. Singers of any level of experience are welcome to join them. Spring is a great time to join this talented group as they will be starting back after their Winter break and preparing for their Spring Concert!

If you are interested in joining Golden Nuggets, you must join by March 19th.

Anyone wishing to join after that date will be accepted on a case by case basis.


*No class March 12th


Coffee and Connections

Friday, March 15th from 8:30-10:00am


Enjoy a complimentary cup of coffee and connect with Nurse Barbara LPN.  This is a great opportunity to learn more about the services Barbara will be offering at Rose City Senior Center and in the community.  She is available to meet with any senior (age 55 and older) who lives in Norwich.

Barbara meets with seniors by appointment and will be at the Senior Center on Mondays & Thursdays.



ADVANCED ZENTANGLE CLASS  Thursday, March 21st 1-4:30 pm

The Advanced Zentangle program will focus on use of blue, white, and grey inks along with black, blue and white pencils on grey Zentangle paper; standard sized tiles and zendalas. Come have fun tangling with organic tangles like: dewd, toodles, mythography, foundabout, pokeroot and sprinkle & their variations.

Instructor: Karen Keefe – Along with being a Certified Zentangle Trainer (CZT), Karen Keefe is an organization deve Instructor: Karen Keefe   Along with being a Certified Zentangle Trainer (CZT), Karen Keefe is an organization development consultant specializing in coaching high-performance teams, management training and leadership development. She holds a MA in Human Resource Development and PhD in Naturology (psychology and natural healing) and is certified as a holistic educator and master trainer. Karen has been an educator for over 40 years and has taught thousands of people dozens of different programs, but she says the most fun she’s ever had training is delivering Zentangle classes.lopment consultant specializing in coaching high-performance teams, management training and leadership development. She holds a MA in Human Resource Development and PhD in Naturology (psychology and natural healing) and is certified as a holistic educator and master trainer. Karen has been an educator for over 40 years and has taught thousands of people dozens of different programs, but she says the most fun she’s ever had training is delivering Zentangle classes.

Cost $40 includes supply kit

Class size limit is 12 participants- Register now, seats will fill fast.

Register at our Thrive 55+ Center front desk

More Upcoming Events

More Upcoming Events:

Beginners Ballroom Dancing Workshop– Wednesday, March 13th at 10 AM @ the First
Congregational Church of Old Lyme.

Saint Patrick’s Day Luncheon– Friday, March 15th at 12 PM @ the First Congregational
Church of Old Lyme– *Register by March 7th by calling (860)388-1611, ext. 216*

Veterans Coffeehouse– Wednesday, March 20th at 9:45 AM @ Saint Ann’s Church

Special Luncheon

On Tuesday, March 12th at 12 PM @ the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme, join us for this special luncheon put on by the Ladies Benevolent Society at the FCCOL.

Due to sharing space at the church this will take the place of our regular lunch that day. Though the normal fee is $5.00 The Senior Center will be collecting only $3.00 from members who wish to eat that day and paying the additional money required. The Menu will be Chicken Marbella over buttered egg noodles with a side of steamed greens beans. There will be a homemade dessert for lunch as well! Payment and sign up will be done through the Senior Center and will be due by Thursday, March 7th. Payments need to be made in cash. Mail-in your money and reservation to the Lymes’ Senior Center at the Old Lyme Town Hall or drop it off to us! Call (860)434-1605 ext. 241 if you have any questions or to sign up. There will be entertainment immediately following the luncheon at the First Congregational Church.