Category: Programs

Painting Class- Mondays

Time: 4:30pm

Cost: Free

Supplies are $15 every 6 weeks; canvas, paint, brush, etc.

Zentangles- Tuesdays

Time: 4:30pm

Class is Free

You may bring your own supplies or purchase pen kit and tiles from the instructor for $10.00.

Tuesday, January 9th- DINNER & A MOVIE

$5.00 Donation
DINNER: Homemade Meatloaf w/sides
MOVIE: The Mountain Between Us
(new release w/ Kate Winslet)

Come join everyone for a great Tuesday afternoon:
delicious dinner 860-848-0422., great friends, and
an enjoyable movie! Wonderful way to spend the
afternoon and support the senior center! Please
sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend!

Friday, January 26th- Clam Bake

Time: 2:00pm

Cost: $7.00 donation request
Menu: Clams, Chicken, Sausage, Corn, Potatoes,
Dessert & More!

Bus is available.

Tuesday, January 23rd- Caregiver Strain Presentation by Hartford Healthcare at Home

Time: 10:30am

Many seniors are taking care of spouses who have dementia or other debilitating illnesses.  We all know how this caretaking can take a toll on caregivers.  Join us to learn ways to help ease the strain of caring for your loved one.  This 20 minute presentation will be followed by questions and answers.  Nurses from Hartford Healthcare at Home will also be available to talk with anyone privately about your needs and offer you suggestions on how to help relieve your stain.  Hope you join us!

Please sign up at Reception.


Thursday, January 18th- Senior Financial Scams: How to Protect Yourself, Family and Friends Presentation by CorePlus Credit Union

Time: 10:45am

Did you know that out-of-pocket costs associated with senior financial scams and exploitation are estimated at $2.9 billion a year?  And that’s on the low side because unfortunately many cases go unreported.  Senior scams are on the rise, but with proper prevention and education, we can reverse that trend.

To increase your odds that you, a loved one, a friend, or someone in your care can avoid becoming a victim of financial exploitation, you need to know the facts.  Your professional friends at CorePlus Credit Union can help.

There’s no cost to attend this presentation.  You’ll find out how big the problem of financial exploitation is, who’s committing the crimes, common examples of senior scams, how to recognize signs of abuse, what the long-term effects of exploitation are, how to prevent it, and where to go for help.

Hope you join us!  Please sign up at Reception.


News From the Greenhouse

The greenhouse is in “winter mode”.  We are now concentrating on the inside plants and we are working on providing a relaxing area in which to sit and rock (in the chair provided) and/or meditate.  Please come in and enjoy!

Thank you to all of you who commented on the beauty of the Spring and Summer outside gardens.  We pride ourselves on our creativity, planning and hard work.

We meet each Monday morning to water existing plants and perhaps to neaten up and/or separate the older plants we have.  We ask that you check with us before you drop off your stray plants.  Sometimes we cannot use them because we already have many plants and we try to prevent bugs and disease coming into the greenhouse  The extra plants we cannot keep go onto the free table in the dining room.  The diseased ones are eliminated.  We enjoy adding new plants that are unusual and not too large due to our space limitations but please check with us before bringing the in!

Please Note: Generally, the inside plants are not for sale in the winter months.

Carole, Sharon, Jill, Barbara and Pat ~ The Greenhouse Girls