Category: Programs

Thanksgiving Luncheon & Performance

Join us for the Thanksgiving Luncheon & Performance on Friday, November 17th at 12:00pm. Donations cost $3.00 for seniors aged 60 and over. Lunch reservations need to be made between October 20th and November 3rd by calling (860)434-4322.


Bingo will be held on Wednesday, November 15th at 1:00pm. Admission is $1.00 at the door

Elder Abuse & Fraud

Join us on November 8th at 1:00pm as Ann Bucci from Sub Rosa Investment Group presents a program on Elder Abuse & Fraud. Based off a real life case that they worked on, The Sub Rosa Group wanted to help protect our community by arming us with information to help them not become prey to similar situations. This informative presentation is one you will not want to miss. Refreshments will be served.

Pinochle- Wednesdays

Time: 12:30- 3:00pm

Single deck pinochle with 4 persons to a table is played.  Small cash prizes are given to first, second and third place finishers.  Pinochle meets every Wednesday afternoon.

FEE: $0.75 Resident and $1.00 Non-Resident

Silvertones Chorus- Wednesdays

Sing contemporary songs and oldies from memory.  A mixed chorus with a beautiful, harmonious sound.  Perform at center and other sites.

Fee: 8.00

Second Tuesdays of the Month- General CLUB 55 Meeting

Time: 12:30pm

Groton Club 55 holds monthly meetings for our members at 12:30 pm, on the second Tuesday of each month. Mark your calendars now to come join us, learn what’s going on at the Groton Senior Center, and enjoy a dessert treat on us afterward!  It’s a great opportunity to join with friends while keeping up with the many activities scheduled at your Senior Center.

Scrabble- Tuesdays

Time: 11:00am-12:30pm

Free Activity

Sunshine Chorus- Tuesdays

Time: 10:00am- 11:00am

This chorus takes you down memory lane and brings ‘sunshine’ to its members with a singalong format.  Perform only here at the Center. Carol Pratt, Director.

Fee: $8.00