Category: Programs

Second Tuesday of the Month- VNA Foot Clinic

VNA nurse provides basic foot care and toe nail clipping for participants. Those with Diabetes or other circulatory conditions are referred to a physician.

This service is offered every 2nd Tuesday and 3rd Wednesday at Groton Senior Center, call 860-441-6785 to schedule.

Last Monday of the Month- Teen Tech Support

Time: 4:00pm

Get help with your lap top, phone, or device (ipad, Kindle, etc) from a local teen!
Who knows technology better than teens?!?!

Last Monday of the month at 4 p.m.

Meets at the Groton Senior Center
Technology Center
FREE!!    Please register 860-441-6785

Sponsored by Groton Public Library and Groton Senior Center

Mondays- Cribbage Play or Instructional

Time: 10:30am

Cribbage is a FREE program offered by our wonderful volunteer Ed Dowd who teaches cribbage and leads the cribbage play amongest groups weekly.

Instructional has a maximum of 12 people.

Instructional located in CRC.

Cribbage located in CR1.


Acrylic Painting- Friday


Time: 9:00 – 11:00am

Introduction to Acrylic Painting will encompass color theory, blending colors, using a brush as well as a painting knife, training your eyes to see as an artist and having fun! Starting with the fundamentals of painting and ending with a painting to be proud of!

$80.00 per resident for 8 weeks

Your Inspiring Instructor: Jean Lazar
Her teaching experience included working at the following schools: Rhode Island School of Design, Mystic Art Center, Art Institute of Pittsburgh & Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale.

Cardio Fit / Silver Sneakers -Tuesdays and Thursdays

Time: 9:00am- 10:00am

This is a moderate to moderately heavy low impact aerobics program.  Exercises focus on the major muscle groups and strengthening the heart and lungs.  25 to 30 minutes of aerobic work is done.

FEE: $50 Resident and $60 Non-Resident

Silver Sneakers

Clayworks- Mondays and Thursdays

Classes offered on Mondays at 10:00am -11:30am

and Thursdays at 1:00pm- 3:00pm.

Paint and glaze your choice of ceramic greenware.  Items will be fired in kilns at the center.  Items to fit all abilities from beginner to advanced

Also offered on Mondays at 10:00am -11:30am

and Thursdays at 1:00pm- 3:00pm.

$32 per resident/ $42 non resident + greenware

** Our greenware costs are VERY reasonable!

Bingo- Thursdays

Time: 1:00pm-3:00pm

Fee: $0.50 per card