Category: Programs

October’s WISH LIST-

Dish Detergent, Regular Coffee, Decaffeinated coffee, Napkins, Food service gloves, Plastic forks & spoons, 7 inch paper plates, 5 oz paper cups and 8 oz plastic drinking cups and 9 volt batteries.

ENSURE is always needed for those in need.


Wednesday, October 11th- WHAT IS A TED TALK?

TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics.

Wed, October 11th at 10am.

Come in and see what it’s all about!

Please call to register. Free.


Thursday, October 26th- DRUMMING FOR HEALTH

Drum Circle

This energizing program allows us to find our inner rhythm by playing the hand drums. It’s FUN!

Participants enjoy it and will feel good during and after! Space is limited so sign up fast for

this happy experience.

Thu, October 26th from 10am – 11am

Registration begins October 2nd


Tuesday, October 24th- ANNUAL LIONS’ CLUB DINNER


Tue, October 24th at 6pm

$1pp – Must Register  – the $ will be raffled at the end of the evening

The menu is a surprise but our Lions Club always prepares something DELICOUS!

Entertainment by Willie and Jan – Singing Duo

Registration is limited so please register

starting October 2nd.

Need a ride, notify the senior center. We are providing transportation.


FAMILY FEUD with Utopia Health Care Agency

Tue, October 10th at 10am

Do you love watching the T.V. game show Family Feud? Then you will love playing Family Feud with

Utopia Home Care Agency. Prizes will be awarded and refreshments will be served!



The Airborne Band

We are pleased to welcome back The Airborne Band on Wednesday November 1st at 1:00pm Come enjoy a fun, exciting, interactive, and motivating performance! Airborne that was formed in the 1980’s has a trademark sound of Island Passion and Urban Emotion. Airborne the proclaimed “Musical Peacemakers” of Contemporary Jazz sends out an Inspirational Message of Hope to the World.

Halloween Celebration

Join us for our annual Halloween Celebration on Tuesday, October 31st. We will give away a free lunch to the first 30 seniors that sign up AND arrive in costume. We will also have a spooky cake and raffle prize drawings at 12:30pm. All those that arrive in costume will be entered to win a free trip to the Mohegan Sun Casino on November 9th or a Big Y Gift Card. Come celebrate the day with us!! Please remember that you need to call (860)434-4322 and sign up for lunch before 10:45am on October 27th.

Mondays- Bingo

Time: 12:00pm- 1:00pm

Paper sales at 12:00 pm.
Games begin at 12:30.

Mondays- Bistro Lunch

Time: 11:30 – 12:30 pm

TAKE OUT AVAILABLE!! Great menus, great prices! Open to the public—all ages welcome.

Call for upcoming menus/ registration at 860-376-2604.