Time: 12:00pm
Category: Programs
Thursday, January 18th- TVCCA SPECIAL LUNCHEON
Time: 11:30am
Friday, October 27th- Midnight Blues Party with Christine Cooney!
Time: 11:30am
Friday, October 27th- Spooky Bingo
Time: 10:00
Thursday, October 26th- Rite Aid Flu and Pneumonia Shots
Time: 10:00am- 12:00pm
Tuesday, October 24th- Price Is Right! – with Kala from Utopia Home Care
Time: 12:00pm
Tuesday, October 17th- Home Modifications and Fall Prevention with Sarah from Beechwood
Time: 12:00pm
Tuesday, October 10th- Presentation: MEDICARE “What’s New for 2018?”
Time 10:15am
October 9th- Closed for the Holiday- Columbus Day
Thursdays- Bus Ride for Errands
Time: 10:00am
Call for bus ride at 860-447-5232.