Time: 12:00pm
Category: Programs
Tuesday, September 12- Financial Fraud Bingo
Time: 12:00pm
Play Bingo & Learn Basics of Protection from Financial Freud
(Game sponsored by State of CT)
Friday, September 1- Special Bingo
Sponsored by the Senior Club
Time: 12:30– 2:30 PM
Cost: $5.00
Come and have some fun with the always popular
Special BINGO! Snacks and beverages provided
and lots of fun with some great people! Come on
down for BINGO! The more, the merrier!
NEWS to Seniors!
Dear Seniors,
I am so happy to announce that
as of today, I have received $112,
382.00 in grant funds for our new fiscal
year! We are off to a great start
and I am hopeful we will continue
with more funding opportunities to
help increase our already extensive
list of activities and programs! Last
year, I was able to bring in (through
grant writing, fundraising, and donations)
and with the help of my wonderful
and dedicated staff and volunteers—(drum
roll please…………..
$178, 012.00 for our residents!) YAY!
100% of funds raised go directly to
the programs & services I establish
for our Montville seniors & social services
clients. I look forward to continuing
this success and offering even
more for our seniors !!! Thank you
for making my job so enjoyable!
~ Kathie Peck
Friday, September 22- Annual Regional Senior Centers Event
Time: 11:30 am to 3:00 pm
Location: Port ‘n Starboard at Ocean Beach
Wear your best Ritz & Glitz—Roaring 20’s Attire!
Buffet Dinner: Prime Rib, Rosemary Chicken, Vegetables,
Red Roasted Potatoes, Rolls, Coffee, Dessert & Cash Bar
Entertainment: Airborne Jazz
Cost: $25.00 per person
Make checks payable to “Senior Resources”
Transportation is available.
Please sign up in the front office—need to purchase tickets when signing up—
last day to sign up is September 14th .
September 29th – Book Club 10:00
September 15th Paint-a-Long w/The Art House of Norwich
Call 860-376-2329
September 26th Fall Breakfast
Call 860-376-2329
Ladies Tea with Eleanor Roosevelt
On September 27th at 1:30pm we will be enjoying a Ladies Tea with one of the most admired people of the 20th Century. Sheryl Faye will bring alive Eleanor Roosevelt in an interactive presentation of her life. After suffering through an unhappy childhood, and losing her parents and one of her brothers. She figured out where she fit in and could make a difference. She grew up and became an American politician. The longest-serving First Lady of the United States. She was the first presidential spouse to hold press conferences, write a syndicated newspaper column, and speak at a national convention. She advocated for expanded roles for women in the workplace, the civil rights of African Americans and Asian Americans, and the rights of World War II refugees. She also became one of the first delegates to The United Nations. Please register for this free wonderful tea party by calling (860)434-4127..
Important Information about Classes
Fall 1 Registration dates:
• Residents – August 7
• Non residents – August 14
Fall 2 Registration dates:
• Residents – October 2
• Non residents – October 10
The Fall session runs October 30 through December 22
Fees – Non-residents pay an additional $10 fee for most classes
No Class Dates – No classes will be held October 9, November 10, 23, and 24.
Registration Deadline – Please register before the first week of classes. Any class
not meeting minimum numbers will be cancelled for the session.
More information about Groton Senior Center’s programs and services including
transportation is available on the newsletter rack in The Cove or online at