Category: Programs

Spring Art and Craft Classes

Valentine’s Day Bracelets

When: Tuesday, February 13th Time: 1-3 PM
Where: Old Lyme Town Hall, 52 Lyme Street, Old Lyme

Cost: 2 nonperishable foods for members, 3 nonperishable foods for nonmembers

Love is in the air; join us as we make Valentines Day Gifts! Come create a set of fun and beautiful bracelets for yourself, or to gift someone, just in time for Valentines Day! Please bring scissors and craft glue with you to the program; all other materials will be provided to you. Limited capacity: priority seating goes to current members; register by calling (860)434û1605 ext. 24

S p r i n g P a p e r R o s e W r e a t h s

When: Wednesday, March 20th Time: 1—3 PM
Where: Old Lyme Town Hall; 52 Lyme Street, Old Lyme

Cost: 2 nonperishable foods for members, 3 nonperishable foods for nonmembers

Join us in welcoming spring, with these DIY Spring Paper Rose Wreaths. Instructor Mary will
be here to show us how to make these gorgeous wreaths, just in time for Spring! Limited
capacity: priority goes to current members; register by calling (860)434û1605, ext. 241!

F l o r a l Lei C r o w n W o r k s h o p

When: Tuesday, April 2nd Time: 1û3 PM
Where: Lyme Library, 482 Hamburg Road, Lyme

Cost: $20 for members, includes materials

In this 2 hour workshop, participants will learn the art and craft of woven floral crowns, lei.
po’o, originating in Hawaii to celebrate the wearer and bask in natural beauty. You will also learn the history of lei, selecting plants and a pattern, and weaving technique. Limited
capacity; priority goes to current members; register by calling (860)434û1605, ext. 241!


Stop the Bleed

Stop the Bleed will be held on Wednesday, February 28th at 1 PM @ the Old Lyme Town Hall. Join us in welcoming Doug Lo Presti and Colleen Atkinson, who will be here to teach us how to Stop The Bleed! In this life education class, you will recognize life threatening bleeding and how to intervene effectively. Limited space available; the cost is free for members, 55 years of age or better!

The Life of Amelia Earhart with Mallory Howard

The Life of Amelia Earhart with Mallory Howard will be held on Monday, February 26th at 1 PM @ the Old Lyme Town Hall. Although her life was cut tragically short, Amelia Earhart was ultimately a triumph in a male dominated field. We will take a dive into her personal life as well as her accomplishments in the air and on the ground. We will also look at the news regarding the latest claims of discovering what truly happened to her after she perished. It is an exciting, interesting, and bittersweet exploration of the famous aviatrix and why she is still revered and remembered today. The cost is free for members, $10 for nonmembers, 55 years of age or better!

McLews Breakfast

Friday, February 9th at 8:45amLet us gather for breakfast! Enjoy a hot breakfast while socializing with other great people. Mmm — Cheddar scrambled eggs, grilled kielbasa, home fries, Pastry, Fruit cup, OJ, Coffee $12 per person.  Register by Feb 6 Late fee $3.00 if space is available


Friday, February 23rd from 5:00-7:00pm

Gnog Show is our very popular 55+ talent show. Sign up now before all the best SEATS are gone! You don’t want to miss out on this fun night!!

Dinner is Italian Seasoned Baked Chicken Breast, Cod Florentine, gravy, mashed red potatoes, California blend mix vegetables, apple pie, punch/coffee/tea.

Cost is $20 per person
Register by Feb 20th -After that there will be a late fee $5.00

Do you have an act? Comedy, Singing, dancing, acting….
-Each act performs for 3 minutes.
-We welcome anyone 55 and older to perform.
If so, please email or call 860-441-6623.

Souper Bowl Sunday

Saturday, February 10th from 5:00-7:00pm


Come sample the variety of soups donated by area restaurants.

This event is a community favorite. While enjoying your soup you can buy raffle tickets to win the amazing sports memorabilia from semi-professional and professional teams and players.

Advance Registration: $10pp or $12pp day of event.
Secure your spot and register now!

Proceeds to benefit your Thrive 55+ Active Living Center nutritional programs.

UConn Master Gardner Presents Introduction to Square Foot Gardening

Wednesday , February 28th at 1:00

The Square Foot Gardening method, was developed by Mel Bartholomew in the 1970’s to saves gardeners time, effort, tools, space and water. Today, through the Square Foot Gardening Foundation, schools across the nation and international humanitarian groups around the world are using the Square Foot Gardening method to make inroads against poverty and hunger, and food insecurity. The Square Foot Gardening method is estimated to cost 50% less, uses 20% less space, 10% of the water, and only 2% of the work compared to single row gardening. Additional benefits are: virtually no weeds, no digging or rototilling, no fertilizers, and no heavy tools are necessary.

Free but please sign up

AARP Tax Help

Starting Thursday, February 1st, AARP Tax Help will be here every Tuesday and Thursday from 9 am to 3 pm through Thursday, April 11th. Appointments slots are one hour each.

Appointments can be made starting January 2, 2024 by calling the main number
860-441-6785 or stopping by our front desk any weekday afternoon.

OATS Potluck Gathering

Thursday, February 1st at 3pm


What a year we had in 2023! Let’s gather for a late afternoon potluck and celebrate and discuss. Need to know how many to expect so please sign up by January 25th by emailing or calling 860-441-6785.

Poetry & the Arts for Healing Humanity Group

Mondays from 9:00 – 9:45 am


Everyone is welcome to share poems and some form of the Arts expressing peace or peacefulness. We’ll also talk about positive, non- political news events or actions or occurrences in our everyday lives that show kindness, compassion, oneness of humanity, caring, etc are growing into our culture. Peace is Possible !