Time: 12:00pm
Come enjoy the fun!
Time: 12:00pm
Come enjoy the fun!
Stop in for some great deals.
Senior Center Tag Sale
Would you like to sell your stuff at the senior center tag sale?
We will be having our first community tag sale!
Friday, August 4, 2017, 10am—2:30pm
Rent: $20 / table
Please call us to find out more: (860) 447-5232
(All proceeds go to senior center programing.)
Informal art studio held Tuesday mornings at 9:30. Bring your own painting supplies (no oils please) and enjoy the company of other artists. Gather inspiration or learn techniques from your fellow artists.
Call 860-376-2329
Create a work of art – no experience needed
Only $12 for all supplies
This month’s book:
Those Girls by Chevy Stevens
Call 860-376-2329 to sign up
Self-taught Incredible Pianist Luke Wojcik Fifteen year old Luke Wojcik, who plays classical and popular tunes on the piano, will be here to entertain us on August 23rd at 1:00pm.
Time: 4:00 PM
Entertainment: JOHN BANKER!!!
Cost: $6.00 donation
Meal :BBQ chicken, salads, desserts, coffee & cold beverages!
Raffles, good food, good friends, good fun! Don’t miss out!
Please sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend! Bus is available.