Category: Programs

Tuesday, August 15th- Trip to Aqua Turf

(Show: “Song, DANCE, and Romance!!” / Featuring: ”The Incomparable Ritchie Mitnick!!”)

Must register by August 12, 2017, 2:30pm. Payment required for this trip is $41 per person (members: $31), lunch included.

Friday, August 4th- Community Tag Sale

Stop in for some great deals.

Senior Center Tag Sale
Would you like to sell your stuff at the senior center tag sale?
We will be having our first community tag sale!
Friday, August 4, 2017, 10am—2:30pm
Rent: $20 / table
Please call us to find out more: (860) 447-5232
(All proceeds go to senior center programing.)

Open Art Studio- Tuesdays

Informal art studio held Tuesday mornings at 9:30. Bring your own painting supplies  (no oils please) and enjoy the company of other artists. Gather inspiration or learn techniques from your fellow artists.

SEANOTES Barbershop Chorus is looking for new members

SEANOTES Barbershop Chorus is looking for new members
Men’s Chorus 4 part Harmony meets Mondays 6:30 to 8 pm. Meets here at Groton Senior Center
Interested in joining the group?
Please call Jerry at 860-536-1082