Category: Programs

Midsummer Festival

 Midsummer Festival

July 29th   10-3pm


10:00am.-3:00pm.- King Arthur Flour Cookie Truck- In front of Town Hall/ Lymes’ Senior Center Area  (GIVING AWAY FREE CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE & OTHER GOODS BAKED ON THE PREMISIS)

10:00am: Yoga- In front of Town Hall/ Lymes’ Senior Center Area Come join us for yoga.  Yoga instructor, Laura Kokaska will be leading this 45 minute class.  Bring your beach towel or mat and join us for this free class sponsored by the Lymes’ Senior Center.

11:00am- Magician “Mr. Magic” In front of Town Hall/ Lymes’ Senior Center Area

1:00-3:00pm Caricature Drawings- In front of Town Hall/ Lymes’ Senior Center Area  Lymes’ Senior Center Presents ~ Caricature Drawings with Bill Hernandez from party  Come have a FREE caricature portrait done or just watch this amazing artist at work.  He welcomes questions from the crowd as he works.

Free Footcare Clinic

FREE FOOT CARE CLINIC Free foot care clinic is offered the third and fourth Wednesday this month from 9:00am-11:00am by the Town Nurse.  Basic foot care including foot assessment, foot soak, filing, and lotion application to the feet will be done. Podiatrist referrals will be made as needed.  To make an appointment you can see the town nurse or call (860)434-7808 on Mondays -Thursdays 11:30-1:00pm & Fridays 12:00-1:00pm.


Mah-jongg will be played on Wednesdays from 12:00pm-3:00pm. There are no lessons available so you need to already know how to play.  Call 860-434-4127 if you are interested in playing.

Summer Concert Series

July 27th @ 7:00pm Summer Sounds Concert:  String of Pearls

Bring your lawn chair, blankets, picnic dinners etc. and enjoy a free night out with your family! If it rains we will hold the concerts inside.   If you know any local businesses that would like to sponsor a concert, please have them call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 for more information

Cooking with Kids program begins Wednesday, July 5th

Cooking with Kids program begins Wednesday, July 5th here at Groton Senior Center but this is NOT just for Seniors. Sign up with your grandchild and share this unique experience. $20 per pair.  Class is taught by Food For Your Soul llc.

You can sign up online now too!!

Rose City Senior Center’s Annual Art Show

Tuesday, June 13th thru Monday, June 19th

(show ends at 11:00 a.m. on Monday June 19th)

Stop by the Dining Room to see the amazing works of art by our Senior Center Members!

Winner in each category goes on to the Regional Art Show, which will be held at the Southeast Healthy Living Expo at Norwich Tech on July 14th.

Any Member of the Rose City Senior Center may Submit Artwork.  See Pg 3 of the June newsletter or stop by the Norwich Senior Center

Movie: Beauty and the Beast

July 26th @ 12:45    Recently in theaters, Beauty and the Beast Movie is based on the Disney animated film. This movie is a live action film and is the 7th biggest domestic box office launch of all time.  The movie will be closed captioned.

July’s- A Note from your Liaison Billy Caron

Dear Seniors, Please stay hydrated and cool during these hot summer months! The Senior Center is a great place to do so during the strongest heat of the day to help keep you safe. There is help available for those in need of assistance, please do not hesitate to call the Center and get that help! I thoroughly enjoyed celebrating the Senior Center’s 25th Anniversary with everyone and look forward to many more years of accomplishments! As always, I am here for any questions or concerns.

“Save the Date” Monday, August 28th for Senior Center Picnic

Join us for some good food and great fun! With “Chef Mike” working the grill, it’s an event not to be missed!

Tickets on Sale August 1stPlease see the August Voices for more information!

Picnic Volunteers needed!

If you are interested in helping out at the picnic (set-up, serving, or clean-up) please let Hilary know.


2017 Rose City Senior Center’s Annual Art Show Results

Winner in each category goes on to the Regional Art Show, which will be held at the Southeast Healthy Living Expo at Norwich Tech on July 14th.


Linda Mathre – 1st
Rusty Cowan – 2nd AND Honorable Mention
Carole Davis – 3rd
Estelle Tedeschi – Honorable Mention (2)
Donald Swanson – Honorable Mention (2)
Natalie Caron – Honorable Mention
Beverly Korenkiewicz – 1st
Verna Jean Souter – 2nd
Madeline MarcAurele – 3rd
Natalie Caron – 1st
Betty Carole Musick – 1st, Best of Show
Debbie Gaudet – 2nd
Betty Carole Musick – 3rd
Dennis Hancin – 1st
Donna Weimer – 1st
Donna Weimer – 2nd
Penny Kabisch-Horn – 3rd
Mixed Media:
Donald Swanson – 1st
Helen Krasun – 2nd