Category: Programs

Community Yard Sale…Thank You!

Thank you to the wonderful Senior Center volunteers Marilyn Becker, Eva Blodgett, Paulette DeVino, Cora Landry, Anna Parrish and Sandy Perkins who spent their Saturday setting up, selling items, and cleaning up the Senior Center yard sale tables.

A special Thank You to Marge Cohen, Cora Landry and Anna Parrish who helped collect and sort yard sale donations for three days leading up to the yard sale.

Thank you also to Jill Bennett, Carole Davis, and Sharon Stackpole for selling plants from the greenhouse!

A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who donated items which were sold at the Senior Center Yard Sale tables.  With your donations, it helped the Senior Center raise approximately $1,000 which will be used towards future classes and events!


Tuesday, July 25th- Ice Cream Social

Come and join us for a summertime treat—ice cream social!
Add your own toppings, join some friends, stay cool!
Please sign up if you plan to attend. Bus is available.

Summer Concert Series

July 20th @ 7:00pm Summer Sounds Concert:  The Boogie Boys Band playing music of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s.

Bring your lawn chair, blankets, picnic dinners etc. and enjoy a free night out with your family! If it rains we will hold the concerts inside.  If you know any local businesses that would like to sponsor a concert, please have them call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 for more information


Bingo will be played on July 19th at 1:00pm.  The admission is $1.00 at the door.

Wed, Jun 28th- BETTER BREATHING – Smart Strategies for the Summer





Have COPD, Asthma, or any other pulmonary disease?

Learn how to enjoy your summer and defend yourself against humidity and poor air quality!

Presented by: Stacey Murphy ,Registered Respiratory Therapist from Gladeview Rehabilitation and Health Care Center.

Wed, Jun 28th at 10:00am. Free.


Better Breathing: Smart Strategies for Maintaining Wellness

Better Breathing: Smart Strategies for Maintaining Wellness in the Summer Months

Have COPD, Asthma, or other Pulmonary Disease? Join us on July 18th at 1:00pm to learn how to enjoy your summer and defend yourself against the humidity and poor air quality! Presented by Stacey Murphy, Registered Respiratory Therapist from Gladeview Rehabilitation and Health Care Center.

Food Safety 101 presentation June 21 at 1 pm

Register today for   Food Safety 101

Did you know that 1 in 6 Americans get sick from food poisoning each year? And older adults are at an even higher risk of serious complications because of their weakened immune systems.  The USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service is offering “Food Safety 101” to seniors and food service volunteers at the Groton Senior Center.  Come and learn some great tips for keeping you and others safe from foodborne illness.

Speaker: Thomas Collaro,USDA Food Safety Ambassador

June 21, 2017 1:00PM

You must register for this program so that enough materials are provided. To register call 860-441-6785.

Groton Senior Center, 102 Newtown Road, Groton, CT 06340


Summer Concert Series

July 13th @ 7:00pm Summer Sounds Concert: The Cartells       Also at  6:00pm., the Lions Club will be selling Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Chicken Skewers, and french fries.

Bring your lawn chair, blankets, picnic dinners etc. and enjoy a free night out with your family! If it rains we will hold the concerts inside.   If you know any local businesses that would like to sponsor a concert, please have them call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 for more information.

Tips on Healthy Eating

Emily Barber from Rehab Concepts Physical Therapy will be here on July 12th at 1:00pm to discuss Healthy Eating. Learn what healthy eating is and how to make healthy food choices to increase your energy, improve your mood and your health.