On June 27th we will be showing the new movie “Lion” in closed caption at 12:45pm. This movie is a true story about “a five-year-old Indian boy that gets lost on the streets of Calcutta, thousands of kilometers from home. He survives many challenges before being adopted by a couple in Australia; 25 years later, he sets out to find his lost family.”
Category: Programs
TVCCA Café Program
Each Monday morning, except for legal holidays, the Preston Senior Center participates in the TVCCA Café Program. Lunch is served at 11:30 a.m. and there is a suggested donation of $3.00 per person. Persons 60 years of age and older are eligible to participate in the program. Residency is not a requirement to join with us for lunch. (Persons who are under the age of 60 years are CHARGED a higher fee for participation). The TVCCA’s Senior Nutrition Program is supported by Senior Resources on Aging with Title 111 funds made available under the Older Americans Act. Registrations are necessary for participation in the meal program. Updated information on the days menu may be obtained by contacting the Preston Senior Center at 860-889-0770. Our senior center is located at 42 Long Society Road, Preston.
Friday, June 2nd- Special BINGO
Sponsored by the Senior Club
Time: 12:30– 2:30 PM
Cost: $5.00
Come and have some fun with the always popular
Special BINGO! Snacks and beverages provided
and lots of fun with some great people! Come on
down for BINGO! The more, the merrier!
Friday, June 2nd- Montville Senior Club Meeting with Speaker: Judy—Three Rivers Health Care
Time: 10:00 AM
Speaker: Judy—Three Rivers Health Care
Theme: Dehydration
The Senior Club holds their monthly meeting on
the first Friday of the month at 10:00am. (Unless
Holiday or special event, in which it will be held
the following Friday) Coffee & goodies will be
available before and after meeting
Sunday, June 11th- Montville Senior Club News- TAG SALE
Our first Tag Sale of the year and in the new Tag Sale Building— (Town Hall parking lot)
Time: 9:00—1:00 PM
We need helpers for the day (please sign up in office or see Anne) and please bring any items you have down that morning as well!
Dear Seniors,
Myself, the Town Council, and the
Mayor are continuing our diligence on
the Town Budget, anticipating the worst
from the pending state cuts, while continuing
to provide our much needed services.
We will all work hard to provide
our residents with the best possible, viable
budget. Most of you understand that
we take this task very seriously. We are
also residents and tax payers, as well as
many family members. I am always concerned
for all of our residents; our seniors
and their reflection on our Town
budget while living on fixed incomes, our
families with children, and everyone in
between! I am always available for your
I am looking forward to seeing everyone
at the 25th Anniversary celebration
of our wonderful Senior Center and I am
pleased that the Center chose to honor
the Mohegan Tribal Council as their special
guests for all they do!
~ Liaison Billy Caron
Tuesday, June 17th- Bingo
Time: 1:00-3:00
Cost: $5.00
Come and join us for BINGO—and have some fun!
Snacks & beverages provided!
NO need to sign up, just come!
Wednesday, June 28th- 1st BBQ of the Season
Time: 4:00 PM
Cost: $6.00 donation
Come join us for our first BBQ of the
Season!!! Hot dogs, Hamburgers,
salads, desserts, coffee & cold beverages!
Raffles, good food, good
friends, good fun! Don’t miss out!
Please sign up on the bulletin board if
you plan to attend!
Friday, June 9th- 25 Year Anniversary of the Montville Senior Center
25 Year Anniversary of the Montville Senior Center
Honoring Special Guests The Mohegan Tribal Council
Come join us for a FREE Full Breakfast Buffet and celebration / presentation to the Mohegan Tribal Council for all of the support to the Montville Senior Center and our Social Services Office. Breakfast, raffles, presentation! Join us in celebrating 25th years at the Senior Center & honoring our special guests!
Bus is available, please sign up if you plan to attend.
Thursday, June 1st- Health Talk: Robotic Surgery- Dr. Stanat
Time: 12 pm
Location: Congregate Room