Category: Programs

Thursday, June 15- Senior Learning Network- Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation

 Senior Learning Network
Donation: $2.00
Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Provided by: Sea Turtle, Inc.
Often mistaken for a bear, this fuzzy marsupial is one of Australia’s most recognized native animal species. Meet a zookeeper to find out about this unusual animal.
At 1:30 pm in classroom 1. Please call to sign up for these 860-441-6785

Thursday, June 1- Senior Learning Network- Animal Enrichment

 Senior Learning Network
Donation: $2.00
Animal Enrichment Provided by: Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Time:  1:30-2:30 p.m.
People nationwide enrich the lives of their pets every day by providing a stimulating environment to keep them active and interested in their environment year-round.
At 1:30 pm in classroom 1. Please call to sign up for these 860-441-6785

Tuesday, May 16th- May Day Festival

TIME: 11:30 a.m.
COST: $13 before May 13, $15 after May 15
MENU: Roast pork, roast turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, green beens, rolls, ice cream, punch, and coffee.

Wednesday, May 10th- Financial Planning

Protect Yourself from Financial Pitfalls


Where: Classroom A

Learn to avoid the financial pitfalls that may affect your retirement funds. Also learn to avoid pitfalls in estate planning, elder care planning and review of your insurance. Speakers: Rob Van Ostenbridge, Merrill Lynch Jeanne Messick – Elder Law Attorney John Walden – Insurance Professional FREE but please preregister.

Wednesday, June 14th- Food Safety 101 Class

Food Safety 101 Speaker: Thomas Collaro USDA Food Safety Ambassador June 14, 2017- 1:00 p.m. Classroom 1 Did you know that 1 in 6 Americans get sick from food poisoning each year? And older adults are at an even higher risk of serious complications because of their weakened immune systems. The USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service is offering “Food Safety 101” to seniors and food service volunteers at the Groton Senior Center. Come and learn some great tips for keeping you and others safe from food-borne illness. Please register for this FREE program so that enough materials are provided. To register call 860-441-6785.

D-Day: Invasion of Normandy

In remembrance of D Day June 6, 1944 the Lymes’ Senior Center is sponsoring a two part program on D-Day, Invasion of Normandy by Kelvin W. Cole. The programs will be held on Tuesdays, June 6 and June 13 from 1:00 – 2:30 pm. Guest speaker Kelvin W. Cole is a frequent presenter on historical subjects who will share his personal slides from his extensive travels abroad.

On June 6, Mr. Cole will give Prelude to D-Day describing the fall of Western Europe to the Nazis and the construction of their defenses and the Atlantic Wall in their bid to keep it.

On June 13 he will continue the presentation with D-Day: N-O-R-M-A-N-D-Y describing the “Perfect Storm” of events that descended upon the Nazi’s “Fortress Europe” and resulted in the Allied victory with the collapse and German surrender eleven months later.   Mr. Cole has educated a variety of audiences ranging from senior citizen groups to high school students, historical societies and public library forums across Connecticut.  He has been an invited speaker in France, the Czech Republic, and Africa (Tunisia).

Drug Take Back

The Medicine Shoppee will sponsor a free Drug Take Back on June 6th from 11:30-12:30pm.  In addition they will also have information and appointments available for a free service that they offer to prevent medication errors through special packaging of your current medications.