Posted on April 16, 2017 by Lyme / Old Lyme
Healthy Addictions is sponsoring a Seminar on Brain Health. This seminar is brought to you by the Lymes’ Senior Center & Old Lyme Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library and will be held in two locations; Lymes’ Senior Center ( May 16th at 1:00pm) & Old Lyme Phoebe Griffin- Noyes Library (May 15th at 7:00pm). We are pleased to provide a forum and discussion on brain health issues with the purpose of sharing information on this complex and important topic, and to help members of the community learn how to cope with issues such as dementia at any stage. The scope of the seminar will include promising therapeutics, exercise, nutrition and food, supplements and other remedies or treatments. We will distinguish between remedies and treatments that are evidence-based medicine as well as alternative approaches; experienced panelists will help distinguish between fact and fiction.
The panelists include
Dr. Theodore Vanitallie, Professor of Emeritus of Medicine, Columbia University (Lead off Speaker)
Peter Dixon, MD
David Frederiks, MD
Susan Murphy, DC Dietetics and cardio-vascular exercise
Katharine Nillson, Dietetics, food
Susan Ostrowski, MA, MS, Speech Pathologist