Category: Programs

Wednesday, May 31st at 9:00 am- FINANCIAL FITNESS

Complimentary Breakfast and Talk at Norwichtown Rehab & Care Center.

Learn about the Top 10 Scams and how to protect yourself.
Limited seating. Please sign up.

How to grow a better brain…….. Step 4

Exercising regularly, getting plenty of sleep, and eating a balanced diet are your first steps to a stronger, healthier mind. For an extra benefit, try squeezing in this easy task as often as you can.

Here is the  fourth  of  seven tasks :

  1. Swap in whole grain breads, It’s an excellent source of Zinc, which helps the olfactory part of the brain process smells and flavors, two senses that tend to decline as you grow older.


Wednesday, May 24th- Mother’s Day Special Meal

Time: 11:30am.
MENU: Crab stuffed sole, jeweled rice, Capri vegetable blend, Parker roll & fudge brownie
Suggested donation:  $5.00
The Griswold Senior Chorus will perform after lunch.
Please sign up.



Fri, May 19th @ 1:00pm at the East Lyme Senior Center


East Lyme Senior Center, Bridebrook Health and Rehab & Crescent Point of Niantic are sponsoring our 90+ Tea to honor the Town’s Nonagenarians– folks who have made it to 90 and beyond. Help the Senior Center identify our nonagenarians – call us so we can invite them!

Honorees can invite 2 guests at no charge! Everyone else is $2pp and EVERYONE is welcome.

Registration begins May 1st and ends May 17th.

Lovely tea sandwiches and side salads provided by Bridebrook Health and Rehab Center.

Split Pea with Ham Soup donated by Main Street Grille.

Decorations and complimentary corsages & boutonnieres provided by Crescent Point.

Dessert made by “Momma B’s Sweet Treats”.

Entertainment by Bruce John.


CPR Demonstration

FREE CPR Demonstration- Come learn the basics of CPR (this is not a certification program) performed by Colleen and Doug from Critical Skills on May 24th at 1:00pm


Songbird Judy Hall will be here for a sing-a-long on May 23rd at 1:00pm

Ceramic Class

Ceramic Class offered by Fired Up will take place here on May 22nd at 1:00pm.  The piece choices you have are a flowerpot with tray (4 1/2 inches tall by 4 inches wide), a ruffled heart candy dish (7 inches wide by 6 inches high), or a bud vase. (5 1/2 inches tall).  The cost of the class is $20.00 and is due to instructor on the day of class.  Pre-sign up is required. Call (860)434-1605 ext. 240. A minimum of 8 people is needed to run the class. Projects will be completed that day, then fired back at the studio and returned to participants 2 weeks later.

GOODSPEED trip Thursday, May 25th afternoon

Here is a sneak peek at the rehearsals for the trip we are taking May 25th to see the award winning – Tony for Best Musical in 2000- show Thoroughly Modern Millie at the glorious Goodspeed Musicals

Sign up now before seats disappear for this wonderful daytrip to catch this amazing performance locally!

We have Orchestra Center/ Aisle Side seats. It is $74 per resident for this Tony-winning musical comedy

We ONLY have 20 seats—HURRY while spots last!!


Montville Senior Club News

We are now accepting 2017 Senior Club dues—$6.00 annually! Please update your membership and make payment to front office or Mary (Membership chair) on meeting day!
Senior Club meeting is on the first Fri-day of every month at 10:00 AM