Financial Health Check Up On Thursday, April 13th from 1:00 pm-3:00 pm retired financial professional, Diana Melville, CLU, ChFC is available to help answer your questions about money management, investments, insurance and more. To make a free and confidential appointment, please call (860)434-1605 ext. 240.
Category: Programs
Info Session on New Tools to Detect BREAST CANCER
w/ Julie Lee, MD
Middlesex Hospital Radiology &
Breast Imaging Specialist
Wed, March 22nd at 7pm. FREE.
Learn about Molecular Breast Imaging and
3D Mammography. Please call to register.
By Barbara Harvey, LMT from Therapeutic Touch
Wed, March 29th at 12:45pm
Call to register
The Not so Good Life of the Colonial Goodwife
The Not so Good Life of the Colonial Goodwife presented by Velya Jancz- Urban on April 12th at 1:00pm. Discover what life was really like for New England’s colonial women- because we have always been curious about menstration, sex & birth control, childbirth, sickness, & medicine. Perhaps women need to be reminded of how far we have come in order to see how far we still can go. The Not-So-Good-Life of The Colonial Goodwife not only makes audience members laugh and grimace, but it also honors our foremothers. It’s not about quilting bees and spinning wheels- it’s an interactive presentation about the little-known issues faced by New England’s colonial women.
Yoga – April 12th at 5:30pm/6 Week Session $30.00
Revolution in the Lymes From the New Lights to the Sons of Liberty Book Event with Local Authors
Revolution in the Lymes From the New Lights to the Sons of Liberty Book Event with local authors and historians Michaelle Pearson & Jim Lampos on April 11th at 1:00pm. This event will consist of a power point presentation on the topic and books will be available to buy and have signed. Come learn about the history of your fellow Lyme residents from years ago. For example did you know when the alarm came from Lexington in 1775, Lyme’s citizens were among the first to answer? Join us to find out about that and so much more.
Gentle Piyo AM Class
Gentle Piyo AM Class April 11th at 8:00am/ 8 Week Session $40.00
10 Principles of Montessori Dementia Care for Families
10 Principles of Montessori Dementia Care that Families and Loved Ones can easily do at home (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) will be presented by Mind Matters on April 10th at 6:00pm. Refreshments will be served. Please call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 to sign up for this free presentation.
Nurse Managed Wellness Clinic
Nurse Managed Wellness Clinic
Do you a health issue that is chronic or something that needs to be followed?
The VNA nurse will help you manage this issue and assist you with
monitoring how you are. She can also help you with questions for your doctor.
Every 3rd Wednesday 12 to 1:30pm FREE
Boomers dinner and talk: Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation
Boomers dinner and talk: Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation
We are getting excited about this unique presentation next TUESDAY night! You too can still sign up for this great event!
And Oh yum! ~ the menu for us: Baked fish, potatoes, broccoli mixed vegetables, dessert, and punch.
Also, a personal story will be presented by one client and her family.
Join us for dinner and a presentation from a local expert on various topics. Dinner begins at 5:30 and is just $6 per person. Presentation is from 6-7 p.m. To register please call us at (860) 441-6785.
Fidelco Guide Dogs
Tuesday, March 14
Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation is committed to partnering men and women who are blind with their elite breed of German Shepherd Guide Dogs. Learn more about the Foundation and their work in our community at this special presentation.