Category: Programs

Summer Concert: US Navy Pops Band

FREE SUMMER CONCERT SERIES: The United States Navy Band Pops Ensemble will perform on August 4th at 7:00pm. All ages welcome!!  Bring your chairs, blankets, dinner, etc. the performances will be held out on the lawn (weather permitting) or inside if the weather is inclement.  A free ice cream social sponsored by Atria Crossroad will follow.

“They Called Her Reckless”

Janet Barrett, author of They Called Her Reckless will discuss this true story about a group of U.S. Marines and a Mongolian Pony they named Reckless, August 10th at 1:00pm.  According to Barrett, “This is a true story of war, love and one extraordinary horse.” When the U.S. Marine Fifth Regiment’s Recoilless Rifle Platoon acquired a small pony to haul ammunition up the steep hills to the front lines, what they got was a real life hero, Reckless, the courageous and indomitable warhorse who stood with her buddies for two years during the Korean War, saving many lives, raising spirits, and winning the love and respect of all who knew her.  She was awarded two purple hearts for wounds sustained and became Sargent Reckless.

Ipad Basic Tips and Tricks

An iPad Basic Tips and Tricks Class will be held on August 4th at 1:00 pm.  Jessica Stedding, Old Lyme Reference and Technology Librarian, will be teaching this class. Limited space available.  Please call (860) 434-1605 ext. 240 to sign up.

Sexuality and Intimacy after 75

Join us on August 5th at 11:30am as Karen Veselka, the Old Lyme Town Nurse, gives us a 30 minute presentation on Sexuality & Intimacy after 75.

Lecture: The Post Road in the 50’s

A Trip Down Memory Lane: The Post Road in the 50’s and how it got that Way Mark Lander, Co- President of the Old Lyme Historical Society will be presenting this reminiscent lecture on July 27th at 1:00pm.

Tired of being Tired ?

Tired of being tired? See how important a good night’s rest is and how you can avoid the dangers of sleep deprivation. Join us on August 9th at 1:00pm for a workshop presented by the CT Wellness Center and learn how to avoid the common issues associated with sleep deprivation such as heart issues, stress, and anxiety.  To register please call (860)434-1605 ext. 240.

Cap Tel Caption Telephone Demonstration

Kim Schmidt from OEI will be here to demonstrate the Cap Tel Caption Telephone on August 3rd at 10:30 am.  Come and learn how to use this phone which you can receive free of charge with medical signature (including from the Audiologist that does free testing here the first Wednesday of the month).  The installation is also done free of charge.  Call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 for more information

Lecture: Declaration of Independence

Our Founding Document: The Declaration of Independence In celebration of the 240th Anniversary of this document will be led by Mark Albertson on July 22nd at 1:00pm.  He is an historical research editor at Army Aviation magazine and has authored three books: USS Connecticut: Constitution State Battleship, They’ll Have to Follow You! The Triumph of the Great White Fleet, and On History: A Treatise. He teaches World War II history at Norwalk Community College for Lifetime Learners.

Foot Care Clinic

“NEW “ FOOT CARE CLINIC Free foot care clinic will be offered the third Wednesday of the month starting on July 20th by the Town Nurse.  Basic foot care including foot assessment, foot soak, filing, and lotion application to the feet will be done. Podiatrist referrals will be made as needed.  To make an appointment you can see the town nurse or call (860)434-7808 Monday -Thursday 11:30-1:00pm Friday 12:00-1:00p

Midsummer Festival

MIDSUMMER FESTIVAL- Saturday July 30th- All programs held in front of the Old Lyme Town Hall From 9am-3pm
Come join us for yoga at 10:00am.  Yoga instructor, Laura Kokaska will be leading this 45 minute class.  Bring your beach towel and join us for this free class sponsored by the Lymes’ Senior Center.
Join us for some fun mural chalk drawing held from 1:00am-2:00pm put on by the Lymes’ Senior Center.  All ages welcome, no experience needed.  Our talented art group will introduce different landmarks and themes of Old Lyme for everyone to build on.
Lymes’ Senior Center Presents ~ Caricature Drawings with Bill Hernandez from party from 12:00pm-2:00pm.  Come have a free caricature portrait done or just watch this amazing artist at work.  He welcomes questions from the crowd as he works.