Category: Programs

Halloween Idea

October 31st


Are You Getting Your 40 Winks? An Herbal Sleep Pillow Workshop

Are You Getting Your 40 Winks?  An Herbal Sleep Pillow Workshop will be held on May 25th at 1:00pm.  Are you getting your Forty Winks?  An Herbal Sleep Pillow Workshop can help!  Herbs have powerful healing capabilities – whether you need to:
• relieve stress, anxiety, and nervousness
• learn lessons from your dreams,
• keep away bad dreams, or
• make your nights more snug and cozy.
Join Ehris Urban, owner of Woodbury’s Grounded Holistic Wellness, for an afternoon of herbal enlightenment and hands-on creation of your own customized Herbal Sleep Pillow.  Cost is $5.00 for senior center members/ $ 8.00 for non-senior center members to cover the cost of materials. Pre sign-up required. Call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 to register.  Minimum of 20 people will be needed to run this workshop.


Strength TrainingMonday & Wednesday from 11:30am to 12:30pm

Session Class – 16 classes – Begins May 2nd

$36R and $40NR – Registration begins May 2nd

Men and women can lose more than five pounds of lean body mass (mostly muscle) every decade of their life due to disuse. Studies show that muscle mass can be increased in people of any age through regular strength training. Strength training also strengthens your bones, helps with weight management, provides relief from arthritis pain, lowers risk of injury, and improves cardiac health. Dyna bands, weights (1lb to 10lbs) and chairs are used for the class. Please bring water and wear comfortable clothing and appropriate shoes.


Free Blood Pressure Screening

Free Blood Pressure Screenings are conducted on the second Tuesday of each month from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. at Lincoln Park Housing.  To participate in this free service, visitors are requested to enter the Lincoln Park Housing Community Building, 11 Lincoln Park Road Extension.  For additional information concerning the program, please call 860-887-5581 ext. 6.

Novelty Songs with Tim Baffaro.

If you like music and having fun, come for a program of novelty songs and more. Local resident Tim Baffaro will present a selection of funny songs and other songs that you are familiar with. He will also entertain you with songs on the trumpet. Come on down for a good time on May 24th at 1:00pm.


A must-try class — easy going and relaxing.  Every Friday morning at 10:00 a.m. with Darlene Zuraw.  FREE and FUN!!


We at the Lyme Senior Center are looking into starting a small combo group. We are seeking instrumentalists especially those who play piano, saxophone, clarinet, trombone, trumpet, bass, and drums. Please contact Stephanie at (860)434-1605 ext. 240 if you are interested. It will be a lot of fun!!

Yoga for Active Adults Class- NEW SESSION

Start the New Year out right; join us for a 6 week Yoga for Active Adults Class which will be held at 5:30pm on Wednesdays new session begins on May 18th. Pre-sign up is required. The cost of the class will be $24.00 which will be due to the instructor at the first class and you will need to bring your own mat. Call to register. This class is open to all members. Call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 to sign up.