Category: Programs

Health & Wellness Series – Diabetes Screening

On Friday, November 13th, the Niantic Lions Club will sponsor a Diabetes Screening in the Lobby of the East Lyme Community Center. The event will run from 9am to 12pm. No registration is required but if possible, please fast before attending. Come and pick up some information about Diabetes and learn if you are showing signs of this disease.

Mature Driver Safety Course

The AARP Sponsored Mature Driver Safety Course will be held on Thursday, November 12th from 9:15am to 1:15pm at the East Lyme Public Library. Registration is required. The fee is $15 for AARP members and $20 for non AARP members. Payment by check only made out to AARP. Registration begins November 2nd at the East Lyme Senior Center.

Monday, November 9th- Learn to Play Bunco

On Monday, November 9th at 9:30am, Kristen will be teaching the game of BUNCO. This fun & social dice game will be a big hit once you learn how to play. The Senior Center wants to add it to its programming schedule so come and learn what all the fun is about. Registration begins November 2nd and there is NO fee.

Senior Bus schedule

Monday – Senior Center, NL/ Waterford area shopping

Tuesday – Senior Center, shopping and banking

Wednesday – Senior Center, Norwich area shopping

Thursday – Senior Center, shopping and banking

Friday – senior Center or special trips


NEWS ALERT = bus reservations are made through the Senior Center.

Please call 860-848-0422 or stop by the front office.

Senior Club Yard Sale


We have done well raising funds for the Senior Citizens Club through the Re-Use Room/Yard Sales. If you have items you would like to donate (please bring up the morning of) or you would like to donate your time (sales are from 9:00am – 1:00pm) We start at 8:00 to set up – please leave your name with the office!


We have a NEW Bunco committee that will run our BUNCO game on a Tuesday, once a quarter, 4 times during the year!

Join us for an afternoon with some great people and great fun! Experience not necessary, the committee will show you how to play!  Please watch the bulletin board for sign up so the committee can have an accurate account of how many will attend.

Annual Thanksgiving Dinner

Thursday, Nov. 10th



cost: $7.00 donation requested

Come and join us for our annual Thanksgiving Dinner – your first of the season! Enjoy roasted turkey with all the fixings! Raffles, entertainment and friends. Don’t miss this great event! What better way to spend an afternoon than with great food, friends, & fun!  Please sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend. Bus is available!

Dear Seniors,

We are into this beautiful Fall season, enjoy the foliage but please ask for help in raking leaves if needed. Please inquire, as there are services available to help!

And as we head into the colder months, do not forget to apply for Energy Assistance. There are different programs available and Kathie will sit with each of you to see which ones you qualify for! Don’t be cold this winter, stay warm and in your heated home! As always, I am here for questions or concerns!

Liaison, Billy Caron

Thanksgiving Meal

Come join the East Lyme Senior Center staff and friends for our Annual Thanksgiving Meal on Friday, November 20th at 11:45m. Registration begins November 2nd. The fee is $7pp and the menu is Turkey, Stuffing & Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Peas & Onions and Pumpkin Pie. Afterwards, Turkey Bingo! That’s right, you’ll need to “Gobble Gobble” in order to win!

Salute to our Veterans’ Dinner

The East Lyme Senior Center will host a luncheon on Friday, November 13th at 11:45am in honor of our Town’s Veterans. The fee is $7pp but our Vets eat for free! To show how much we care, the Senior Center staff will be cooking. Registration begins on November 2nd and if you are a Vet, please let us know and provide us with your branch of service. Entertainment to follow.